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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. This is next level stupid planning. I tend to go to more away games than home games, and would very likely have tried to go to this, but won’t bother with it being the same night as the Scotland game. Unbelievable.
  2. Verge of breakdown if that’s indeed true. Please f**k off.
  3. On the field, it’s easy to forget how good we have it just now because it’s been this way for a few seasons now. We play, IMO, the best football in the lower leagues and we turn it on most weeks. Even when we lose or draw we still have fantastic passages of play and make chances and pull the other team around and it’s so, so good to watch. Off the park I feel as though we can get much better. Our social media channels could be more engaging. We could do more to encourage fans who currently don’t go to games but have a vested interest in the club to start coming to a few home games. Same goes for those who currently come to a few home games, can they come along a few more times? What do we need to do to target them and incentivise it for them? Your social output is intrinsically linked to these matters. How are we trying to capture a new audience from the short attention span Tik Tok generation when our two videos a week are a 10 minute John McGlynn pre-match interview and a 10 minute highlights package. These things are great for me because I already have a great knowledge of the football club and it answers questions I want asked, but to a casual fan is that engaging? A quick glance at Motherwell’s twitter output shows you how’s it’s done. Relatable content to people who might not be as invested in the football club as the weirdos like us who post on this forum. Stuff like having your tickets on sale in plenty time seems like such a straight forward, simple thing but it’s not been done in the very recent past. Same goes with actually announcing the walk up prices. Just not announcing it isn’t an option. Tell folk why it’s that price and justify it. Don’t let cars park on the concourse when fans are exiting the stadium. Communicate to the supporters when things go wrong. I don’t want to put the boot in to the club, that’s not what this is about, it’s about wanting us to take the next step in our development and start to grow as a club, because if we have ambitions of being in the Premiership, which we very obviously do, then we need that level of investment in infrastructure that’s been afforded to the playing side of the club also distributed to our non-playing side.
  4. Is Hopkin still screaming “DO IT!!” every time his goalkeeper gets the ball?
  5. I see it’s one-time Dumbarton loanee Jack Aitchison who scored the FGR goal.
  6. Looking forward to the game being on by a bawhair, us getting beat and a post match thread littered with chat of how heroic the Ayr performance was. I am away for the weekend up north. Can I watch online?
  7. Why the f**k do I associate myself with such a fucking omnishambles, through choice? That’s plenty of RRFC for me.
  8. Yeah. Been here so, so many times. Never feel comfortable with fans of other teams writing off their chances pre-match.
  9. It’s a well known fact that you are completely unable to celebrate a trouncing over your closest rivals because over a decade ago you lost a game of more importance against them.
  10. Bowie has just scored for the Fulham U23’s straight after coming on.
  11. Our output just now is shocking. Why were the tickets not on sale last week? Is it really beyond us to sell tickets to more than one game at a time? So, so tinpot.
  12. Tickets not being on sale when the game is in 4 days is a fucking joke, to be fair. Why the f**k are they not on sale yet?
  13. Would be incredibly surprised if thistle don’t finish top 4 this years. In fact, anything less would be a bit of a failure given the quality of the squad.
  14. No a fan of the calling out of names, tbf. We’re aw Rovers fans.
  15. Be nice to see a bit more positivity around the team after today, they fucking deserve it.
  16. Rob McLean really not hiding his allegiance whatsoever, here. A hard listen.
  17. Bet you’re sat there absolutely spitting that we’ve scored. Never come across such a miserable c**t.
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