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Everything posted by Growl3th

  1. It's the sheers 3Dness of it that gets me. In space it's kinda all around you!
  2. Replacement for Series 4 http://hbowatch.com/peter-dinklage-april-season-four/
  3. Just rescued my tickets for Saturday from the bin. "You were at the football yesterday so I thought they were for then," WOMEN!!!!!
  4. Thought last night's episode was very Midwich Cuckooish (Village of the Dammed in the US) with the storyline so not really one of my favourites of this season. OK there was character development but the story was a rehash.
  5. I don't because it cut out halfway through extra time and there were no mobiles in those day to tell the wife to hit record again!!!!
  6. Lateset from the FFP "Matthew Elder‏@mattelder_ffp Any neutrals attending the Raith game tomorrow will be accommodated in the HOME end. That's Main Stand or South Stand. "
  7. I'm sure I read somewhere that they were asking fans wearing other teams top to use the away stand. Can't find the link now but I'm sure it was there somewhere.
  8. He does from midnight 'til 6am. <DOH>
  9. Just confirmed with my son that these are two of his friends. I'm a bad parent.
  10. Is it really? Buying a .net site might be cheaper than a .com site (maybe £15 a year at most) but hosting depends purely on your supplier.
  11. Thanks Gaz. Read The Cult of Osiris not that long ago whuich was quite good. That seems to be the problem with these Asda/Sainsbury offers - they never seem to have the first book in any series. I'm always starting from the middle.
  12. Just finished The Atlantis Code by Charles Brokaw having previously read his latest book The Lucifer Code. Both a Dan Brown style romp which is one of the types of books I like. At the same time I bought The Eagles Prey by Simon Scarrow (2 for £7 or something at Sainsbury or Asda) another fast paced romp but a more historical setting. Now that I've finished both what does anyone recommend along the same lines (preferably good deals from Asda/Sainsbury)?
  13. Surely everyone knows you just go down the way?
  14. Watched "The Wave" last night on either Beeb 3 or 4. Looked interestingfrom the blurb but then I saw it was in German with subtitles. Almost turned it off but I'm so glad I didn't. 9.5/10
  15. Ian's quite down to earth and generally a good guy. Nothing too inciteful but worth a follow. Plus he's a Rover's man.
  16. Wife uses Twitter a lot but I don't think it's great shakes. Got a few folk that follow me (mostly family) though God knows why. Use it mainly to follow Ian Rankin, Sarah Churchwell and Blipfoto.
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