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Everything posted by Handsome_Devil

  1. Yes but as you say that exists only through UEFA for European competitions, domestically there is nothing similar because the clubs are vehemently opposed. They don't have a choice in UEFA terms, domestically they can decide and have decided differently. Motherwell fans have been on the pitch (or at least out the stand) three times in as many months at the start of this year plus there was stuff thrown at Ramsey. We're obviously not as high profile as the Old Firm so there hasn't been a peep of suggestion we should be punished but the club has - publicly at least - done absolutely hee haw about it. You can Google or search Twitter for Alan Burrows' thoughts on the matter. Now yes, perhaps everyone in Scottish football is truly convinced that collective punishments for individual actions are an affront to justice. Maybe they're even right. But it's undeniable that argument means there is no incentive for clubs to crack down...why would you pick an argument with your paying customers when you don't have to? And - while being stereotypical - the guys throwing stuff and invading the pitch are often probably the guys making the atmosphere which encourages the team, makes the stadium experience better for other fans, gives all kind of social media content etc.
  2. No. He does seem to be playing fine from what I've seen but very much back to last season's form rather than the last few months. I guess it depends on United's overall budget whether he's deemed a worthwhile investment...certainly if he's been a regular starter as they've changed from being rubbish and struggling for the top six to rubbish but reaching Europe, it's hard to say it's not been worth it short-term at least. Agree completely on KVV, he's obviously got his flaws but the notion anyone can look at our team and his contribution since January and think he's one of our biggest problems is mental.
  3. Yes and they will no doubt say 'tut tut', launch an investigation and a few token bans will be handed out if they can find who did it. I agree completely a one fan ban won't stop anything. I'm disagreeing with your statement "nobody has the balls to do this because it’s them." It's nothing at all to do with not having the balls to take on Rangers, it could be Rangers, Celtic, Motherwell or Albion Rovers and nobody would do anything because nobody in Scottish football wants collective responsibility. There are obviously arguments for and against it, if you think it should be changed lobby your club to push for it. But complaining about inaction over any one incident is pointless - it's the logical conclusion of a decision which all clubs support.
  4. I'm sure Rangers will ban the individual(s) if they can be identified. But the stand or stadium won't be shut because - afaik - there's not a single top-flight club willing to accept collective responsibility in any circumstances so the league/SFA will never impose that punishment on anyone, ever. It's got nothing to do with it being Rangers this time.
  5. That's basically my shortlist as well though I'd be willing to hold off on the centre back initially to see if DOC steps up or if Ojala can be patched up. Alexander playing SOD on the left is hopefully a recognition he's completely ballsed up there and needs a new LB. We have enough bodies in the middle, I'd be spending a fair whack of what we have to invest on a six which is the obvious lack, especially as I'm hoping we punt Donnelly. Striker/forward is needed if we want to challenge higher up the league but is probably lowest priority as we could kind of muddle on without whereas the other positions are game-losers atm. Though if we do manage to shuffle some contracts players off the books things could change.
  6. That's not really true....one of the only things Scottish football is united on is a refusal to take collective responsibility for fans. What would be interesting would be if the Scottish government said it was willing to reconsider the alcohol ban (which it should) but only if the clubs agreed to collective responsibility.
  7. Last year I was counting down eagerly to GTF day, this season it's a bit of an anti-climax as two of the three OOC senior guys we'd realistically keep have already signed elsewhere. So there's only really Donnelly left, the rest are surely looking for new clubs. Summer should be interesting as for the first time in a while - 2018 when Robinson tried to boost the bench? - we're not looking at a rebuild but rather adding only 4-5 'quality' guys who can be an immediate boost.
  8. It's a bit like the Only an Excuse (?) sketch from Rangers winning the league in 2005 - the fans had a banner with 'we kept believing' but when they walked off you could see 'McLeish out' on the back. Fluke a result week and this has been - factually - a good season regardless of it being a missed chance, awful to watch etc. Shit the nest again (which I fully expect) and it's been a missed chance, awful to watch etc and the manager is struggling to justify not being binned in summer. It's a remarkable state, even more so that the same applies to literally everyone fourth through 10th, though obviously United and St Mirren now need spectacular results to swing from one side to another.
  9. The big difference was that Motherwell side was chronic and steaming towards the first division...fair enough St Mirren were maybe a bit more fragile than their excellent run under Goodwin at the end suggested but the same wrecking ball approach certainly didn't seem needed from the outside pov.
  10. That's something remarked on before and I find it absolutely unbelievable given how modern players are portrayed. Had Slattery chucked it, had KVV gone in the huff over being hung out to dry, had Kelly complained about his reputation being shredded, had SOD kicked off for being dropped (deservedly but he's captain and an international) etc etc then 1) you wouldn't have been surprised and 2) would have expected the board to act.
  11. Tbh I'm still not convinced we'll beat St Mirren and the game ended three hours ago.
  12. Only a quick glance so may have miscalculated but I think we will be in the top six if - we win - we draw so long as both Hibs (at Hearts) and Ross County (at Aberdeen) don't win - we lose but Hibs also lose (at Hearts) and Aberdeen v Ross County is a draw
  13. The tactic of Mugbai keeping it in the corner to kill time somehow seems a 'peak GA' moment. Also is just me or do we pass the ball back to Kelly an inordinate number of times?
  14. We're a much better side with Slattery in it and today conveniently reminded me of a drum I liked to bang last autumn, not only does he make his own contribution but he drags up Goss considerably. Goss may never be brilliant but if you want a guy who can pass in midfield it's not surprising looks better when he has someone to pass with rather than only watching the ball go over his head.
  15. Bizarre game, dunno what to make of it really. At one point we were 10th, six above St Johnstone and now we're - ahem - Euro challengers once more. In truth it was two awful sides so completely devoid of conviction it was hard to watch at times. Thrilled to get the win to paper over the cracks as without it the walls would be falling down. We did have some decent moments, there's no point in denying that, but we're surely not going to jammy another one next week on the plastic.
  16. That both of these sides are 'challenging for Europe' is a damning indictment of the league. Still no faith at all we won't lose this.
  17. Should be 2-2. This'll never end 2-1, it's comedy central at either end.
  18. There is zero chance you won't score. I believe we've hit one clean sheet in the last 15 and that's with our goalkeeper being our best player!
  19. Johnston looks to have filled out a bit and will surely get his chance in pre-season/LC groups. I wouldn't be averse to giving DOC another year too purely to fill the acronym gap left by MOH.
  20. Yeah, that's fair. Though if anything I think he'll be worse in a 'better' team because he's expected to play more. He was at his best with us on the left of Robinson's 3-5-2 because it emphasized his strengths - charging around the vacant space behind LWB and bodying people - and minimized his weaknesses - pretty much anything to do with the ball other than launching it the direction he was facing. That said, Moult would never have had his glorious second in the LC SF against Rangers without his delicate chipped assist!
  21. Dunne's pace and strength always ensured he was a perfectly acceptable defender for a middling team in Scotland...if he could play football at all he'd be miles above the likes of Motherwell and St Mirren. He seems a really sound guy though so fair play to him if he gets a hefty contract after all his injury troubles. Paying actual money for him seems mental though.
  22. Donnelly should just shell one into the East Stand or disabled enclosure straight from kick-off, the booing could be done and the more sprightly folks back to their pints by 3.03pm.
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