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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. Yeah, just saw his rather grim facebook update. I only know him tangentially through mutual friends but the way he's dealt with the last year or two and remained so cheerful and positive throughout has been properly inspiring.
  2. While those things might be true, insofar as we know there are going to be people who do it - it does not represent any kind of argument for actually doing it. It's stupid, it's shit, it makes the ground a worse place to be for everyone, it's nearly always totally uninformed. And it's counter-productive.
  3. He was pre-2009. (As was Joe Dunbar, who someone else mentioned earlier.)
  4. Hamill wasn't awful, he was one of those players (we've had a few) who we never quite worked out what to do with because they were a bit lightweight for centre-mid but a bit slow for the wing. The best game I remember him having was as a wing-back, but that wasn't a formation we played very often.
  5. Javier Amaya, Martin Scott, Denis Prychynenko, Stephen Reynolds ... and alright then, Ross Perry.
  6. The 79 games thing is a happy coincidence, makes it nice and easy to compare. So more than half as many points again in BST as against GMT, over a reasonably prolonged period of time.
  7. Good work, Paco. But haven't we played 158 games since the beginning of the 2011/12 season? (4 x 36 + 14) How does that affect the sums?
  8. I thought people were over-reacting a bit to our good run - well as we played to dig out results there were a number of games in which we got the breaks and might easily not have done, on a different day. It was inevitable that those days would come and we'd have a run of games where things didn't go our way. There's no need to over-react to that, either. It's still a decent enough side, we'll be well clear of the relegation scrap and may be in with a chance of play-offs. Let's just let it run and see where it gets us.
  9. Just saw one of you slagging off Craig Wilson over on the cup forum. Which is disappointing, he was a good player for us in the third and second flights, albeit a few years back now. For that matter I always had a lot of time for Lumsden too. How's he getting on now after his bad start?
  10. We have been for a couple of years, since Partick got promoted.
  11. Robertson signed for the rest of the season, says FFP, with Kingdom Housing picking up the wages: http://www.fifetoday.co.uk/sport/football/raith-snap-up-ex-scotland-international-ahead-of-morton-clash-1-3906288 (Always rated him, btw, going back to the spell a few years back when I was watching Dundee quite regularly.)
  12. (I don't agree with all the criticism that it's become routine to throw at Murray, and while I'm happy with the way things are looking, I also think it's much too early to judge whether McKinnon represents an improvement. But I can't be arsed getting into a discussion about it.)
  13. If prices drop 50% then you need 100% more fans to break even. But yes, the general point is right enough. Demand for football tickets is fairly inelastic, and price reductions rarely bring in enough extra to cover the shortfall.
  14. And we're going to be in all kinds of shit next summer when virtually the whole squad is out of contract .... If Ray thinks he's the right player, and he's available until January, there's no reason not to sign him and play him just because it's only until January. There'll be other players available by then.
  15. And re: the Barrie McKay discussion a page or two back. He was clearly better than many were giving him credit for. There were games last season when he was our most dangerous (if not only) attacking threat, and I'd come back to the match thread afterwards and people were saying he was a waste of a wage and I was, and remain, mystified. Someone made the fair point that he might be best suited to a team that's going well and don't need him to track back as much - but that being the case it won't surprise me if it becomes a pretty good player for Rangers.
  16. Well I'm happy to see Davo back. Of course he's a decent player at this level, can cover different positions, and without him today the bench wouldn't exactly have been bristling with options. Interesting to hear McKinnon's rationale for it in his post-match interview - that he felt we needed a holding midfielder to allow the likes of Callachan and Craigen to get forward. Be interesting to see how that works out. I did have a bit of a laugh when his first touch was a misplaced pass, mind you.
  17. I applaud the club for the living wage thing. http://www.raithrovers.net/20354/rovers-to-pay-the-living-wage.htm
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