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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. Or maybe the board think he's a jumped-up little p***k. Cleland sounds an interesting possibility.
  2. I doubt Lennon is even in the running. We're not going headhunting, we invited applications, and Lennon signed a year's contract with Alloa just a few weeks back.
  3. There's a huge amount of luck involved in football management, certainly in the short-term, and there are plenty managers who've had success at one club and bombed elsewhere, or who haven't had things go for them yet but are perfectly capable of doing so. So track records aren't the be-all-and-end-all, I'm more interested in us getting the right guy. (Also, I hope Grant Murray gets another chance, somewhere.)
  4. Fair enough baillie. I didn't say I "wanted" Cameron, but if he's applied then the least he deserves from the club is an interview and the chance to present his ideas and show what he's about. He didn't fail at Cowdenbeath - he took them up in his first season, kept them up in his second, and left fairly sharply when they were going through a bit of a rough spell in his third. (Cowden are always going to have rough spells in this league and it wasn't a write-off by any means.) He's not setting the heather on fire at Berwick, certainly, but then that division is such a scrap - maybe three wins makes the difference between a good season (play-offs) and a bad one (second-bottom).
  5. (To be fair I'd probably also interview Adams as well, and I'm happy to acknowledge the possibility - however unlikely - of being wrong about him.)
  6. Not a lot else I can say to that than, no he hadn't. Quite apart from the playing experience and all the rest. Anyway, I wasn't intending to get dragged into this and I'm not making a case for him as a favourite or anything. He'd be a bit of a wildcard; but if he has applied he'd probably be one of the ones I'd be interested in interviewing. And so would Colin Cameron, whose record at Cowdenbeath wasn't too bad.
  7. Because employing a former professional footballer with management experience is similar to allowing someone with no prior experience of professional football in any capacity to buy himself the management job?
  8. He hasn't only managed Brora. Also, football history is littered with clubs who've spent big and still been shit. I'm not saying he'd be my first choice or anything, based on such info as we have. I suppose I'm just more saying that I don't want Adams.
  9. In Kirkwood's case, admittedly not very much, though his record in the Highland League is decent. Adams is a shouty aggressive type which never seems like good management. I'd be disappointed to see the club going that way, virtually all of Raith's success during my time watching them has been when they'd had decent, more thoughtful people in charge.
  10. If the choice were between Kirkwood and Adams, it'd be Kirkwood for me.
  11. We haven't had nearly enough away friendlies since that time in the McGlynn era when he arranged games and Southport and Chester which both got rained off. I'd like to see more of them again.
  12. The extent to which managers have control over squads and signings, at this level, is often overstated.
  13. yeah, I'm working until lunchtime so will come along.
  14. Splendid news, this, I was disappointed about Murray's sacking but this is a boost. (I hope it's not true that the McGurn thing was part of the issue with Murray, but I can see why it looks a bit suspicious.) Awesome. I think I might love the save against Dunfermline even more, while Smith and Casa ran up the other end to score even as the Pars were claiming the ball was over the line. (Is there a gif of that one?) Yup, those saves and Simmons' header got us an undeserved point that was a turning point for both clubs, as I remember it. Ayr had come into the game in reasonable form but collapsed after it.
  15. No, I think the point was a fair one. Adams suggestion seemed to be that he'd like to take on a club at a low ebb but who could and should be able to do better. As we've been saying quite a bit on the thread, that's not particularly true of Raith - where we are (and keep finishing) in the league is pretty much exactly where we'd be expected to based on budgets, attendances and other such quantifiers that loosely define the 'size of club'. It is true, though, of Dunfermline. (Nonetheless, from the STV interview, it's clear that he's interested in us.)
  16. Lokomotiv Moscow 2-0 Torpedo Moscow a couple of weeks back; Beijing BG 1-2 Qingdao Junoon, on Saturday there. Both interesting to see.
  17. Totally 100% arse-over-tit wrong. Scottish football needs far more people like Murray and McGlynn rather than the shouty seargeant-major types of whom there are still too many in the game.
  18. Sorry folks, I've been out of touch for a few weeks - can someone fill me in on what the "McGurn issue" is about? Last I heard just before I went away there were rumours about him going to Morton. And I see Cuthbert is now playing - what's happened?
  19. Oh dear, just back in the country in time to hear this and I'm rather sad about it even if I'm the only one. Mind you, I have the benefit of not having had to watch us play for the past four weeks.
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