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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. Yeah, sounds like they were still saddled with debts from their big spending of the other season. Craig Wilson already left them last week to move to Linlithgow.
  2. I'm being slightly sweeping in my generalisation, clearly, it is sometimes possible to discern some sort of difference in philosophy. But the difference is overstated. Both systems rely on three central-ish midfielders, a number nine up top, and two wide players. Whether or to what extent those two can get forward to form a proper front three, or whether they end up having to drop back to cover generally depends more on how well the team is playing and how much of a grip of the midfield they have than on the instructions they're sent out with by the manager.
  3. As for season ticket renewals, I made a policy decision in the summer of 2012 - when Hutton was doing the club proud - to keep renewing for the foreseeable future regardless of what was happening on the pitch.
  4. For the record, I don't think we're "doing well in the league", particularly. There's quite a lot of middle-ground between thinking that and being Berk.
  5. No, was just wondering if any of you would be on it. (I work for the company supplying the coach and I'm cadging a lift on the return journey after the game.)
  6. Are any of you lot going to be on the 200 Club's coach tomorrow?
  7. I keep telling myself that diversity is the wonder of humanity, but f**k me if it isn't hard work sometimes.
  8. Yeah. There's obviously got to be a balance - if crowds dwindle and we get dumped out the cups early then the finance isn't going to work out. But if we are making progress towards paying off the ground debt then I'm more than willing to accept a team that's treading water for the time being.
  9. No particular contradiction there, any league 1 side can give any championship side a game as well, as you usually find on the opening weekend of the season. There are decent players in the Juniors. The guy that caused us most trouble the other day had a spell at the Pars when they were higher up the leagues, and there are various others for whom their senior careers didn't work out for one reason or another that didn't necessarily mean they weren't good enough. The differences tend not to be anything stark on any gulf in technique, but more in organisation and decision-making (which ultimately was what cost Rose their goals the other day). But that's over-the-piece, and might or might not make itself apparent in a one-off game.
  10. I'm not sure why you think that wouldn't always be the case. There's a decent standard of football being played at the top end of the Juniors. Perfectly capable of giving most league teams a tough test.
  11. Obviously didn't see the game - but yes, football fans seem often to be mysteriously bad at realising the resort to the long ball is more often the result rather than the cause of not playing well.
  12. I don't get the Derek Adams love at all. There's a lot of nonsense talked about McGlynn's style of football. Like any decent manager he worked with the resources available to him. He had most of six seasons with us, improved us year-on-year with the exception of a slightly disappointing final season, and left the club in a much healthier state than when he joined it.
  13. I'm going to spend the rest of the season moaning about referees.
  14. Only two remaining grounds I've not been to are Brora and Hurlford, if they win their replay. Failing that, Aberdeen or Dundee United, maybe.
  15. It's a fair point. But still, this is not going to be an easy game.
  16. Deveronvale gave us a scare, Wick was 2-2 well into the second-half, and even Threave - as I remember it - was a fairly right 1-0 until they caved in in the last twenty or maybe thirty minutes. Linlithgow are probably stronger than all of those, and we're on pretty underwhelming form. It's a very loseable, and no I'm not expecting to win it by several goals.
  17. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    And speaking of the Tardis, didn't we see it dragging planets across the galaxy in Journey's End? (And apparently stabilising it or protecting it from any environmental or momental issues arising.) So in this episode couldn't he easily have dragged it out of harm's way for a bit? Put it back later if need be. He seemed to give up awfully easily.
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