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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. So what if they have their own organisation and cup competition, I don't see how that's relevant. They can add a lot to the Scottish Cup, and it seems daft to me that there isn't a competition that all Scottish teams can compete for, and no means for huge numbers of clubs in Scotland to play against one another competitively - ever.
  2. By no means - it's a winnable tie for Linlithgow, which is why it's such a good draw. What of it? When you see the excitement generated by the qualifying and early rounds of the cup down south it's a pity we don't have a competition that all Scottish clubs can enter. They'd have a lot to add, so I'm not worried if they have their own cup too. (Just as most leagues down south do, in addition to the FA Trophy and FA Vase and the like.)
  3. Cracking draw that. For both teams, probably. The kind of game the Cup is all about. (I'd let all the juniors in, myself.)
  4. He paid himself a quarter of a million out of a turnover of not much more than a million while paying no VAT? f**k me, why does Scottish footie keep dredging up these c***s? And why isn't he in jail?
  5. We've had SNP in the recent past, and there's a Labour one there at the moment. That's okay, and I wouldn't even have batted an eyelid if there was a Tory one, but I'm a bit disappointed to learn we're taking money from UKIP.
  6. Fucking hell, how long has that shite been there? I'm in the main stand and had no idea it was there.
  7. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    This week's was marginally the best so far, I thought - but I agree with most others, the scripts so far have been pretty run-of-the-mill and there's been nothing to really set off the talents of the two leads (who are carrying it).
  8. As ever, I dislike the thing about judging managers on "results" in such a short-term sense as it's usually taken. I'm not one of those who has called for Murray's head at any point after bad results, and likewise neither am I getting carried away about our early - and very likely false - league position. Delighted with the results of course, but this team has not been convincing yet. If they can maintain it and make us at least candidates for a play-off spot then great. If it goes south and ends up like last season then that'd be two seasons in a row that Murray had mostly failed to put a cohesive team together, and it'd be difficult to see how he could survive that however much I like him and want him to succeed. So, let's see how it goes. Meantime I'm happy to let him get on with his job and not keep discussing it every week.
  9. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    Perception filter. Staple doctor who fare.
  10. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    It's not exactly a conclusion you jump to anyway, is it? He meets someone in the school staffroom who he thinks looks like someone he saw once, for a few minutes, maybe fifteen years earlier. So, either: a) they look quite similar but you probably misremembered exactly who the first person looked anyway, or .... b) she must be a time traveller! Yeah, that's most likely.
  11. Some of us care every bit as much but just don't agree with you.
  12. Been away for a week. This thread has become a car crash. Think I'll take a step back out again.
  13. "I gave Lee Murray one piece of advice: hire Gary Bollan, who was unfairly sacked at Livi. But he chose a taxi driver instead. End of advice." Yeah, that gave me a laugh too. Rankine seems to be missing the point that a breach of the rules (and an actual conflict of interest) doesn't require someone to be actively exercising an influence over any of the clubs involved. And as the previous poster has observed, nowhere does he actually seem to deny the Dumbarton allegations. (But obviously I have no idea whether there's any truth to them or not.)
  14. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    Smith's cameo was the very worst thing about it. Smith was a very good doctor but we've got a new doctor now, clear the decks let him establish himself just as we always have. Don't bring back the old one already for yet more tedious schmaltz. Other than that, it was alright. If there are some good scripts later in the series than Capaldi will rock them.
  15. What's the story about Leishman and Adam Hammill's shoes?
  16. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with Grant's post or anything - seems something of an over-reaction to me at this stage. But it looks perfectly well within a legitimate discourse of what you'd expect people to want to or be able to say about their club.
  17. You get a yellow card for that on dot net? Was that in isolation are just the culmination of a load of other stuff? Not much point in having the website at all if posts like that are not allowed. Anyway, I was at Forfar on Saturday and didn't think Dunfermline were as bad as all that, albeit the better team won on the day. Way too early to panic, just as it was for us after our first two games when the Murray Out bandwagon started rolling. Win the next two and the world will look different.
  18. Missed yesterday's game 'cause I was up watching the Pars lose at Forfar - they're all demanding questions be asked of Jeffries and stuff. How quickly times change. Sounds like our game was pretty scrappy, but it's a very handy headstart on the teams we need to finish above. Looking forward to next week now.
  19. You seem to have difficulty understanding the difference between blame and responsibility.
  20. Apologies LF, I at least see where you're coming from now - I thought you were referring to 2013 but you mean back in 2012, right? That's still not my understanding of what happened. The previous club were hit with a 12 month transfer embargo; Rangers attempted to argue that the punishment could not be applied to the newco, but were eventually made to accept it as part of the condition for rejoining. So, yes, the twelve month period started (and finished) later for the newco, being as they didn't even exist at the time the original punishment was mooted. But once the ban was applied and accepted there was no movement on it.
  21. You're still making shit up. They couldn't sign players until 1st September, and although they had numerous signings lined up and announced before then (and had even played some as triallists in the early games) they didn't sign anyone until that date. As for Livi, it's true that the ban would have been an awful lot more inconvenient had it been in place a few weeks earlier. But any suggestion that that influenced their actions or when they realised there was an issue to be reported is, at best, speculation.
  22. Upside down, yeah. So's the Cardenden one further up.
  23. Mind you, I can't find any reference to him having said that. Source?
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