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Posts posted by broomiesniper

  1. 18 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Not £15 tbh. 

    It was a shock but it won't put me off going. I'm swithering between Montrose, Forfar or Deveronvale. 

    The last one sounds best as it'll take most of the day to do. 

    Montrose have been £15 for years and I've rarely seen anything cheaper in this division.  Not sure what other teams are charging, Airdrie were £18 last week

  2. Maybe a bit of a long shot, is there footage anywhere of Dundee’s last game of season 91/92 against Montrose?

    was listening to a podcast with Ivo den Bieman today and he referenced the game and it ultimately leading to his move to Dundee. I was at the game as a 13 year old in the Montrose end. Montrose won 2-1 but Dundee has the league trophy presented to them after the final whistle.  The highlights were definitely on either Sky or terrestrial TV

  3. Also, what’s everyone’s thoughts on Mcpake’s comments after the game last night? I know the late challenge by Waddell was late, clumsy, unwarranted etc but think it was very unprofessional of McPake to publicly claim Waddell intended to injure the Dundee player 

  4. 2 hours ago, The Gable Endie said:

    I think SP is trying to make a striker out of Lewis Milne or is just trying to play him higher up. I think we missed Cammy Ballantyne at the back but it’s good to see Matty Allan getting some minutes. I think we passed the ball ok but lost it too often. CJ had a good cameo at the end and I would like to see us play him with Rennie in the league like the good ‘ol days. My MOTM has to go to Seagull as he had just one of those performances. Hopefully he can keep it up in the league for once.

    Rennie seems bereft of any confidence.  As much as its good to have him and CJ around the squad, I'd much rather have others brought in ahead of them

  5. Good to get back to watching competitive football. Agree that Brora weren’t up to much so not sure what we can really learn from the game. All Montrose players played well. Particularly impressed with Callaghan’s first half performance, not sure what position he was actually playing, he covered the entire pitch. Some good passing moves from defence through the midfield and up to Rennie. Lyons looks like he’s never been away, Canto and Brown looked impressive when they came on too. Bigger tests to follow with Covid County and Dundee ahead 

  6. 14 hours ago, mo83 said:

    As it stands we have CJ and Rennie who can play striker.Both players are decent enough but I'd think sp would be hoping to bring in 2 strikers.Can see 1 in on loan and hopefully the other on a contract.Cant think of anyone right now but am sure he will get someone in that is decent. I always think back to the signing of Paddy Cregg,when he first came in I was thinking wtf going on here he was getting slated by the Forfar fans and had hardly kicked a ball in  months,turned out to be an excellent signing for the club.Might be someone who comes in that's not been great for their previous club is the point I'm trying to put across, Sp and Ross seem to get players wanting to play for them...Apart from Lewis Hawke  that is🦅

    I hope we do get a couple of strikers in, by hook or by crook as I don't want to be reliant on CJ or Rennie for an entire season

  7. 2 hours ago, Gordon EF said:


    3) Maybe, but he's one poor season away from seeing his currently sky high stock dropping to the point where he might not be in the running any more. You guys lose a couple of key players, can't replace them and finish 8th in a tough L1 next season and Petrie might never be in the running for these types of jobs 

    8th place is always the target of Petrie and anything else is a bonus. I’m sure for a few seasons the board are happy to accept that as the club establishes itself in League 1. I realise the contradicts the attempts to become the top team in Angus but that is a couple of big signings and a couple of seasons away at the moment. We will just enjoy the ride for now, after so many seasons in the doldrums it’s a good time to be a Mo fan 

  8. 12 hours ago, Aidan said:

    In a weird way I feel like it's a good thing that I'm annoyed that we haven't gone through. My earlier confidence has been proven to be misplaced but I still absolutely love this team. I said to a couple of Montrose supporting pals earlier that if we didn't win I have a feeling that SP might move on, I really hope I'm wrong again.

    I hope you are wrong too, I really think SP wants to see us as the top team in Angus before he moves on.  As it has been said many times, he has a good job away from football so is maybe content working in part-time football

    Hopefully Rusty signs on again, a real turn around in his play over the past 12 months or so.  We have always harped on about needing an out and out goalscorer but I reckon our first task is to get reliable, consistent keepers on board

  9. 9 hours ago, NUMBER 7 said:

    I think Airdrie could be the winners of these Play Offs. They are a horrible team to play against, a bit like a lesser version of the Livingston team that got out the Championship through the play offs a few years back. They are actually the form team in Div 1. 

    Montrose play the best football of the three Div 1 sides, they play the ball well through midfield and down the left side, but the guy McLean up front is hopeless. 

    Cove have the best finisher in Megginson and they can lay the boot in a fair bit.

    Morton. They need to be switched on and up for it from the off or they could come a cropper to any of the three.

    Hopeless goal from McLean, wasn’t it 😂

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