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Jeff Venom

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Everything posted by Jeff Venom

  1. Weird that no one ever mentions that while yelling Kremlin stooge at Corbin, eh
  2. When George Osborne took over at the Evening Standard, a free and supposedly neutral paper, there started a run of brazen knocks on Theresa May, like scorned ex-employee stuff. Funny, but childish, and blatant. See now, their stance towards Corbyn is comical. It's like that sort of newsnight backdrop but in print. Daily. Especially since hes not jumped on the band wagon and has only gone as far as saying evidence points towards Russia as opposed to being "culpable" (as May did). I'm not a semantics expert so I don't know if these do amount to basically the same thing.Anyway, I'm tempted to collect a week's worth and measure the number of anti-corbyn pieces vs holding the gov to account pieces, but particularly the subtle and more sinister placing of terminology like "the Left" and "the far Left" and "radical Left" ("Left" always capitalised). I'm not sure yet whether I'm seeing these because I want to, or whether Osborne is trying to chip away at people's pysche. I never seem to see the same stuff written about "the Right" or "the far Right". Maybe measuring will tell me otherwise, I dunno. I'm no Corbyn fanboy but I'm deeply scepticle about Osborne editing a free London commute rag read by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, subtly eroding people's ideas.
  3. Think the oddities were reasonably over at the time, considering. Saying that, I can't remember who were all in the group apart from Golga, Kurgan and Luna.
  4. Correct. Possibly the fastest route to getting rid of the SNP as well is via Independence, but that cold, wrinkly, hairy teet of Westminster is just too good.
  5. The lightning will strike a big hand pointing to the WM sign which will go on fire.
  6. Would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Sad.
  7. Yeah, reeks of firing over to Smackdown and Taker getting him over there.
  8. The attitude era was organic and a product of the time and the state of the industry. It'd feel a bit forced now if anything. Having said that, most of what we see on wwe feels forced and scripted to the nth degree as it is. Absolutely fine though with not bringing gubbins back like HLA and Shawn Michaels wanking off a sausage.
  9. I wasn't an adult during the 80s-90s so can't say I "experienced" the last Tory government; are the Tories in power basically just a shower of c***s with cunty policies who see how long the public will tolerate them being a shower of c***s with cunty policies?
  10. Because burglars need tellies and so it's only fair that the residents can kill the person stealing the telly.
  11. Imagine thinking blowing someone away with a rifle is commensurate with some boy trying to nick your telly.
  12. "Our larger population means our problems are different. You can't compare anything. Sorry" Hell mend the c***s
  13. Obviously we are where we are because the Tories wanted the ref and delivered it on the back of a manifesto pledge - but at the time of setting the questions, was a differentiated vote across the "regions" even a thing that could have been, or was, lobbied for?
  14. Voted for the team rather than the person most likely.
  15. In Airdrie social mobility is a pub crawl on giro day amirite
  16. I read these guys are two of six people in the country granted life long anonymity and my first reaction was that that seemed low; but is it? I find this whole thing quite morbidly fascinating and maybe more so now that I watched Mindhunters on Netflix [emoji55]
  17. Gin o'clock Banter Work hard, play hard (play harder)
  18. Think it'd be pretty tight on the NXT fans who have been on board with the Gargano - Ciampa relationship all this time for them to not give them a payoff in that world; but then again, who knows what wwe might serve up. I don't think I've been so drawn in and invested in a character since I was a youngster watching Austin and Undertaker, than I am with Johnny Gargano (granted I started watching again at the tail-end of DB's rise). Got a total heart-on for the boy.
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