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Posts posted by morrison

  1. On 27/05/2024 at 14:48, Basile Boli said:

    Hilarious that the top 6 in the HL are selected but it’s a random mishmash from the LL. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they are all ex-SPFL sides.

    The only reason it hasn't happened in the HL is because Brechin finished highly enough to 'qualify' anyway. That much seems obvious.

    On 28/05/2024 at 08:05, Cowdenleith said:

    I can only speak for myself, and not the support as a whole, but when this unexpected news came out yesterday with no context for the decision, it was entirely predictable how it would go on here.

    It was predictable because it's wrong, as you acknowledge yourself.  

    On 28/05/2024 at 12:13, stanley said:

    It is not the fault of the fans of the four former SPFL for the cup decision nor can they really do anything about it 

    Disagree. Look at the fan reaction from Caley's announced move to Kelty. Or Raith Rovers about Goodwillie. I emailed County's SLO after Mackay was appointed our manager. They're all different things, yes, but fans have a voice if they care to use it.

    Clearly a lot don't and that's their perogative...

    On 28/05/2024 at 17:46, Cowdenleith said:

    apologising for pushing back on the suggestion I should contact Cowdenbeath and ask them to withdraw, kind of thought that was a bit of a humorous suggestion, but maybe it wasn’t.

    ...Case in point.

  2. 1 hour ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    The big question is who is getting the golden ticket into the draw. Last season we had Cowdenbeath get in ahead of the HL/LL runners up despite them finishing 15th in the LL.

    Surely it has to be Brechin but knowing Cockwomble he will give it Berwick Rangers. 

    That's already been answered:


    1 hour ago, Spyro said:

    As long as Buckie Thistle are told to GTF after their playoff fiasco


    You're not going to like that link I've shared.

  3. 34 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Aye but is it not 1PPG.

    Caveat that he took over a struggling team, but then he also took over a side with Dhanda and Murray (in the form of his life).

    It feels like everything seems better than it is due to what came before, and in isolation it wouldn't be as impressive.

    If the point you're trying to make is "It might all go wrong", then of course you're right. Or he might be excellent and move on to bigger and better things. Like every managerial appointment any club has ever made, then.

    It's a wait and see from me. Reasons to be hopeful, but that last week of the regular season was a missed chance to avoid the playoff and has been too willingly overlooked in the relief that came with yesterday's result.

  4. They're not even trying to hide their disdain for the rest of the pyramid, are they?

    Would be interesting to see if any of the promoted teams got the invite if they finish as far down the LL or HL if they were to return there. I wonder how long you have to be an SPFL club for before you get start getting handouts.

  5. On 16/05/2024 at 08:44, Boghead ranter said:

    Cutting down a tree deemed too serious an action to be tried at a Magistrates Court, passed onto Crown Court for Trial.

    Cutting down a tree FFS.

    Despite the issues stated yesterday re prisons being at 110% capacity, you just know that cells are magically going to be found for these 2.


    Your anger at this is a better fit for this thread than the story you've shared.

  6. 26 minutes ago, keyser_soze said:

    Good bye and good riddance, hopefully you take County with you back to the Highland league where you both belong 

    17 minutes ago, keyser_soze said:

    Hoping they got back to the 5th tier quicker than Brechin did

    8 minutes ago, keyser_soze said:

    Aye true but they belong there, along with the "2 clubs that joined" 

    I believe the P&B verbiage is "You seem upset".

    Anyway, here's hoping for back-to-back promotions. The Premiership needs a strong Accies.

  7. 3 hours ago, Crawford Bridge said:

    Any chance of a separate Malky Mackay thread?

    This is just going to go round and round in circles all summer. 

    I'm sorry people talking about your club appointing a homophobic racist annoys you.

    Am I doing apologies right?

    2 hours ago, Arab_R_us said:

    I'm not defending him at all im just making the point that i dont believe his life should be over because of it, people in football have done much worse and seem to get a pass. Martindale, Bartley etc

    You've done nothing but defend him for pages and pages now.

  8. 2 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    No they won't, expulsion is just that, it's not demotion or relegation.  They are kicked out of the SPFL for not meeting it's rules and then it's upto the club to seek a new league. 

    The SFA do not want more than 16 member clubs in the LL therefore the LL would need to change it's rules to expand to 17 and have these signed off by the SFA. They would not enter the Lowland League unless some sort of fudge/compromise happens.


    Neither you nor @Dev know what would happen in this scenario. 

    Edinburgh could slot in to the LL if 'Club 43' happened to be promoted to fill the void and came from the LL catchment. It'd be convenient for everyone (except the relegated LL club/the second placed LL play-off club if applicable). 

    That's more difficult if Club 43 was from the HL catchment.

    It's fun to talk about when there's little football left anyway.


  9. 2 hours ago, Claudia Gentile said:

    I like a bet but Willie Hills sponsorship is a bit meh and I'm not up for the mad amount of gambling companies that sponsor clubs in the game.

    I guess it is a necessary 'evil' if there are not any other sponsors out there.

    As alluded too at least there will be meltdowns from one half of the arse-cheeks because they have a different gambling partner.

    We should do better though. 

    It's not a necessary evil at all. It's really poor judgement from the SPFL. There's a difference between the best deal and the biggest number, and the clubs have presumably voted to take the money. It's irresponsible and short sighted.

  10. 13 hours ago, theoriginalhedge said:

    I think there has been a general dislike from day one in the HL when everyone objected to our very public statements  of ambition to get out of this league . It appears that is not the done thing in these parts. 

    It started with your ambition to play in the Lowland League instead. Did you expect a warm reception after that?

  11. 3 hours ago, Lex said:

    You just need to look at this Misc other football board on this forum to see how popular English football is in Scotland. 
    On the first page of that board alone we have the Barclays thread, the English football league thread, the English non league thread, the FA Cup thread, The Everton thread, the Carlisle thread and the Liverpool thread.


    That's the part of the forum those threads belong. I don't think that shows what you think it does.

    I suspect the threads might be  busy at certain times, but that's a different matter.

  12. 9 hours ago, Derry Pele said:

    Also telling that Threave went down, were largely a top two side in the South, but can’t get out of West Division 3

    Isn't it Threave's first season in Division 3? The fixtures are fairly kind to them in the run in, so it's not done yet.

  13. On 18/04/2024 at 22:30, Cowden Cowboy said:

    Would be happy with 18 real clubs with one down and 2nd bottom in play off with the 3 champions.  Thus 2 potentially could come up

    One team in 18 down is not enough. The one in 16 proper teams the LL has just now isn't enough.

    It'd be better than at present obviously, mind you.

  14. 1 hour ago, central staggie said:

    I was at one of David Winters hat-tricks against Raith at Starks Park, can't remember when it was but we won 7-1. One of my favourite games watching County. Want to say around mid 2000's.

    That was class. Think it was 2003.

    If my memory isn't tricking me, I'd spent the night before outside Morrisons (or maybe it was Safeway at the time) on King Street in Aberdeen  queuing for tickets to the Netherlands play-off game for Euro 2004. 

    I fell asleep on the train back and got woken up by the conductor saying we were in Inverness! She was taking the piss, though. We'd just arrived at Dyce and were heading back to Aberdeen again anyway.

    Pretty sure I might've written a match report for this site after that game, actually. Hopefully Div's set fire to it because it'll have been bloody awful.

  15. On 18/02/2024 at 20:24, Caro-Kann said:

    Anyone got tickets for the World Indoors at the Emirates the start of next month?


    Yeah, heading along on Saturday morning. Looking forward to it!

    Bit gutted for Guy Learmonth missing out. British Athletics appear to be complete arseholes.

    Bit of context:


  16. 4 hours ago, Iminavest said:

    Bit of a novice question, I'm toying with the idea of the Loch Ness marathon at the end of September. I can run 5-10K fairly comfortably at an okay pace currently. Is it worth increasing distances this early on or waiting until closer to the time?

    Yeah, I'd agree with @Dons_1988. Ideally, you'd take it really easy as you get to distances for the first time.

    It should feel slow to you. The time on feet is really valuable if you decide to commit to it, and it should mean your legs aren't trashed to the point you can't run for half the following week!

  17. On 16/01/2024 at 12:40, azazel said:

    Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. For my marathon last year I was very plan-focused and even ended up running the race itself with what felt like my face glued to my watch keeping to a steady pace. From a purely results-based perspective it worked as I was aiming for 8 min miles and ran exactly that, only going over 3:30 because I swerved around the course too much and added an extra 0.3 of a mile to the distance.

    I think, this time around, although I'm aiming for a quicker time, I might enjoy the whole experience more if I allow myself a bit more flexibility and perhaps just work even harder at the three quality session as you suggest.



    I'm replying a bit late, but I'm perma-injured so don't look here much these days!

    I'm no coach, so massive caveat to start, but I imagine the easy 4 miles on Monday is meant to help recovery after a long Sunday run. Adding miles on to this wouldn't be particularly helpful. It does depend on your history a little, though.

    I'd be more tempted to just shorten the Wednesday a bit on the weeks it doesn't work for you. As the mileage builds, maybe shift the odd mile to the Mondays. Don't worry too much about total mileage, as long as you're executing the 'spirit' of the plan.

    Main thing: don't be too hard on yourself, and enjoy the big day when it comes!

  18. 7 hours ago, TxRover said:

    The biggest problem I see in those pictures is too shallow a kerb. The pavement problem is almost non-existent in most of the U.S., mainly due to narrower sidewalks/pavements, more/better off street parking at residences, mandated spaces with apartments and wider roads. With the narrow roads and wide pavement, would it not be an option to simply widen the roadway to support on street parking (at least on one side), install a higher, hard kerb and tow any c**ts that mount it to park or parks obstructing it?

    Wide pavement is just inviting self-entitled gits to use it unless you install hard landscaping to prevent that, and/or serious kerbs…and even then, the kerbs don’t do squat to stop those urban assault SUV’s. In the end, it’s an urban planning issue that goes back to streets designed before the automobile.

    The US has essentially no 'sidewalks' and has turned over 50% of its land to free parking lots. That's why you don't see a pavement parking problem. 

    And bloody hell, you'd widen the roads to solve the problem? What a wonderfully American solution.

    5 hours ago, Empty It said:

    I've never understood the irrational hatred some people have for everyone using a vehicle, a proportion of car drivers are just lazy b*****ds, see parents driving less than a mile to drop/pick up their kids from school every day but for a lot of people personal vehicles are necessary for commuting due to our public transport being shit, unreliable and expensive. They should try getting a decent reliable public transport service instead of trying to punish every driver on the road.

    You answered your own question there, no? As others have said, Edinburgh's public transport is not the problem here.

    The pavement parking ban is great in theory, but it'll be down to how strongly it's enforced or it'll be back to 'normal' in no time.

  19. On 21/01/2024 at 18:18, silver said:

    Just looked into this. He didnt win a single game in 13 and the 3-1 loss against Raith ended his 6 month spell in charge. Not sure why his sacking is relevant.

    It was a Scottish Cup pumping by a Championship club at a similar stage of the season off the back of some poor results. A fair comparison to make.

    Perhaps the fact County have only failed to win in 5 means it's all okay, though.


  20. Boreham Wood 4-4 Eastleigh in the National League, attendance of 704.

    Madness. Eastleigh 2-0 up at half time in a nothing match with two tidy goals, only to end up 3-2 down within 15 minutes of the second half...and that included a saved pen for the home team (dodgy photo below)! 

    Eastleigh fought back to take the lead in 88 minutes, only to concede a very soft penalty and equaliser five minutes into stoppage time.


  21. 20240123_193503.thumb.jpg.368db7a87da2e5da044220362b8eb105.jpg

    Charlton Athletic 2-3 Northampton Town, League One

    A funny night with the home side a goal down in 5 minutes, after a simple ball over the top. Fans chanting 'sack him now or we're going down' immediately after.

    A 19th minute equaliser preceded a 21st minute response from Northampton. The goals were basically identical, including away players scoring them.

    Charlton equalised right on half time, but then lost the game in the 96th of 96 minutes. Ouch. 

    Had to look up their no. 30 after the game...he was Charlton's playmaker but he was absolutely gash.  

    The game lacked quality but was entertaining enough with 5 goals, a red card and what looked a clear pen denied with the Northampton boy booked (at 2-2 and with a man advantage).

    £26 for a ticket makes our Premiership look great value for a similar price.


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