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Everything posted by badgerthewitness

  1. I find Jeffrey Wright a bit robotic as well.
  2. Just finished watching The China Problem again. Magnificent.
  3. Surprised no one has mentioned that citadel of culture, Borrowstounness.
  4. "Ayre told the meeting the club was open to fan investment to help fund further redevelopment of the ground" Chancers, GTF.
  5. I think Samwell played that like a boss. He was afer the sword, not fully aware of its significance, all along. Surely he wouldn't expect a warm reception, turning up with a Wildling illegitimate. Either that or it was just a hammy piece of filler.
  6. Agreed. Peaky Blinders was unnervingly close to shark jumping territory with that sub plot. Thankfully the episode levelled out at its dark and twisted best.
  7. The closing shot from last week was stunning. I think we'll see the the return of the 'old Arthur' over the next few episodes...
  8. The former colony reports its first confirmed case of brain damage.
  9. There are some similarities. A user might wish to avoid a particular score prior to watching highlights or even the full match. In this case they'd be an utter buffoon to click on a match thread. Likewise only a semi-moron would use the View Latest Posts facility for a show if they didn't want to see up to date comments. For long-running shows like GoT, those of us unaffected by moronic traits will start at the beginning of a thread and stop reading when the Dates of Posts become close to the present date or the original air dates. Basic problem solving skills, people.
  10. Does anyone click on a match thread and not expect the score to be revealed?
  11. A genuine shame that the saintly Leeds fans don't get more chances to watch their team play at 3pm on a Saturday. I'm sure the police would welcome such an initiative.
  12. leave me alone sunrise as it is when it was age of consent vanishing point
  13. I take issue with that. Falkirk are a well supported club. How many fans do you think we should've attracted?
  14. Meh. I'll give it another couple of episodes to see if Vaughn's character develops, Farrells McNulty tribute act is dull as dishwater. The other 2 are just props.
  15. The X-wing/Falcon/Tie Fighter shots will turn out to be from a battle simulator scene and we'll be subjected to two and a half hours of a galaxy governed by effing ewoks or goofy racial stereotypes.
  16. "Thousands of emails and messages found during raid of Moody's home" Stashed under floorboards, no doubt. Got to love the Daily Mail.
  17. My other half has just started to watch Box Cutter. Just waiting for a reaction to the eponymous scene...
  18. "Sorry sir, oor systems doon. Wur only accepting gold teeth or family heirlooms."
  19. No but they have a strong desire to pack freight trains full of people.
  20. It's normal for families to receive a payout prior to discovery of the wreckage. This helps to cover the cost of hotels, loss of earnings etc. Don't know hat you mean by "Western propagandists", the Malaysian authorities are the ones who are shrugging their shoulders/relying on outside help. The plane has either been shot down in error or has lost pressure/oxygen and just cruised until it crashed.
  21. Wreckage=evidence=liability. I know it sounds a bit 'tinfoil hat' but the Malaysian government own the airline and keep dropping red herrings into the mix. Maybe just keen to avoid a diplomatic incident with China regarding the cause of the crash but they haven't covered themselves in glory.
  22. Is there a chance some debris could eventually end up on the shores of WA? If so, how many weeks/months would it take for the currents to carry buoyant items such a distance?
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