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Posts posted by marty_j

  1. Thought this seemed like an ideal time to revisist some very recent Traytor quotes in Retard, here's one for starters:

    It took them a while to realise that so many supporters of SPL clubs seem to despise them and there is now a belief it would be best to go down to the Third.

    Too late. They won't be allowed. Deals have been done. There have been endless meetings, both formal and informal, as chairmen and directors sweated and panicked about what to do with Rangers while pretending to be in pursuit of sporting integrity.

    When they get together next week they should have their heads bowed not because of the severity of the judgment about to be handed down but because of shame. What they are about to do has absolutely nothing to do with integrity or justice.

    They will vote, as they always do, for self preservation knowing that more than one season without Rangers and the money their presence will generate would risk their own survival.

    They know Rangers should be sent to the Third but can't afford to lose them for too long and the irony is that even though Rangers probably want to go all the way to the bottom they won't be allowed.

  2. If you want to see hypocrisy at its best, have a look at The Record today. After months of doomsday senario's they are now backing the Sell Out Saturday campaign, Traytor tells Dongcaster he MUST tell clubs to forget nonsense about SPL 2 and that Regan must come out today and categorically state that NEWCO (my words) will be playing in Div 3, Mark Hatefigure now says that rocketing up the leagues and taking 4 in a row would feel just as good as winning 9 in a row (hahahahahaha!!!) and Murder McLeod says that NEWCO cant and wont be allowed back into SPL. Jeez a few weeks ago all three were saying Armageddon if NEWCO didnt get the SPL/SFL1 gig. The battle has just about been won and everyone on here deserves a huge pat on the back as do the majority of clubs that have stuck to their guns :D

    Tryator will claim he has always been saying that


    "In light of today's decision by the members of the Scottish Football League, the Scottish FA is committed to leading the challenge to reinvigorate the national game.

    "This challenge requires the collective effort not just of the Scottish FA but the respective league organisations and all member clubs.

    "Today is a watershed for Scottish football. There will, undoubtedly, be financial consequences on the horizon. None the less, with togetherness, an open mind, and innovative thinking, there can also be opportunity: opportunity to restructure the game and promote competitiveness, to place greater emphasis on development of young Scottish talent and to support the financial sustainability of clubs through the Financial Fair Play model.

    "The Scottish FA has offered guidance and support to the respective league bodies during this process. The SPL and SFL enter a crucial phase ahead of the new season and they must reach agreement on the practical issues that require to be addressed within their jurisdictions.

    "Ultimately, there must be an outcome that enables Scottish football to move on with consensus, clarity and confidence into a new era for the national game."

  4. It may be that the board forced the Chairman to change his voting intentions once his ownership of Rangers shares was revealed by Thomson, in which case Thomson has nothing to apologise for.

    That is certainly his take on it but as far as I am aware it was always a "no" - it would have been out on Saturady past but board meeting was cancelled. I think he just made an assumption based on STV and @celticresearch - put 2 and 2 together and made 6. Tweet did serve on epurpose meant board released statement - something they may not have done if it wasn't for the dozens of abusive emails they recieved following thommos "revelation"

  5. It's SFL 3 from Berwick - I look forward to Thommos retraction


    Berwick Rangers Board tonight agreed unanimously that should the new Rangers FC be admitted to the SFL for the new season, that they would support a move directly into SFL Division Three. The Club has also taken on board the feelings of their Supporters Club, Supporters Trust and the countless individual fans who have contacted them directly. There will be no further statement from the club on this matter.

  6. That they've gone as far as to say something leads me to hope/suspect they anticipate there will be a "no to Div 1" to report upon after the Board meeting!

    Had you noticed that STV have been portraying you as a "yes" for the past two days based upon a 'spokesman's quote in the Sun'?


    Tweeted tomo he said he had "two sources" and mentioned STV. My opinion is unchanged and like you I believe it will be no to div 1 tonight.

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