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Broccoli Dog

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Everything posted by Broccoli Dog

  1. The decisions for HS2 were taken by Westminster and they are also equally shite.
  2. I like trams, we should have trams in Glasgow. Certainly preferable to all those shitey First buses. Some other countries actually manage to get major building projects such as mass transit built on time and on a fraction of the budget. The real problem with the Edinburgh trams is they were put in by a bunch of complete fucking idiots.
  3. I'm pretty sure your father/mother/whoever will be just fine should the unthinkable happen. It'll take a couple of years to relocate the East Kilbride offices, and they'll be guaranteed a tidy redundancy. Plus I'm sure Scotland will require bureaucrats of our own, and probably even an international development branch.
  4. voting yes, never intended to vote any other way. the UK is a busted flush.
  5. It's easily removed, better to get a tracker that goes inside the frame. Besides I've heard that the plod still won't lift a finger even if your bike does have GPS.
  6. i've seen more motorists using fucking ipads than cyclists texting.
  7. Wingsoverperthshire's wife left him for a man in lycra.
  8. *wah wah wah im afraid of people who are different wah wah wah*
  9. Glasgow's south side is a great example of multiculturalism working in Scotland, with a really vibrant friendly community, and lots of mixed raced families and friendships. Only ever spoiled when the EDL come to town to hold unwanted vigils and protest the local Gurdwara (it has domes must me a fukking mosque!!!!!)
  10. i think i know why edit: Before Confidemus reports this post, the racist image is used ironically to highlight the irrational fear that greenockraver experiences when he visits an area with a large central asian and african population.
  11. am i right in thinking that the primary purpose of the EDL is to give casuals with football banning orders something to do on a saturday?
  12. There's a room in the Tardis, with portraits of all the previous doctors, who sit and bicker at each other.
  13. let a bit of air out your tyres and man the f**k up, this weather is nothing.
  14. Don't know about Gatorskins but Schwalbe Marathons are the mutts nuts.
  15. A hybrid is essentially a mountain bike with a thinner frame which is set up to use road tyres. They're generally harder wearing, and a lot lighter and faster than a regular MTB. Seem to have become pretty much the standard commuter bike of choice because they can deal with potholes, as well as not being heavy as f**k.
  16. Here's a recommendation, Rig Bike Shop in Glasgow for all your road, track, and BMX needs. Really good service, you won't get ripped off, and high end stock at a decent price.
  17. Two crashes in a week, both involved showing off and both have removed the skin from my elbows. I keep forgetting that I am a grown up man on a track bike and not a kid on a bmx.
  18. Some daftie almost killed me on Jamica street about 15 mins ago, it was just at that busy junction before you get to the Broomielaw. Out of nowhere a black pinto with a businessey type woman drifted right in front of me trying to overtake, leaving me with absolutely nowhere to go. Managed to stop without falling off and if it wasn't for the bus driver behind me spotting the whole thing and stopping quicksmart, I could well have ended up under his wheels. And of course, I then proceeded to pass her at the next set of lights. Drivers be crazy people.
  19. I think GCC have a set limit of cycle lanes that they have to build, so they just drop them in haphazard locations around the city and then leave them to rot until they look like the surface of the moon.
  20. Depends on the cycle path. I never use the cycle lanes in town because they're pretty much useless. Full of debris and potholes, cars randomly parked, and the roads all warped because of all the buses and trucks rolling down them. The cycle lanes aren't even connected either, many of them lead to nowhere, or force you to dismount and cross busy roads. I've used the path from Glasgow to Balloch a few times. Much of it, especially in the build up areas is just broken glass and random crap dumped everywhere. The roads are a far safer option.
  21. The Scottish guy on the doc can be a pretty unreasonable w****r as well, his name is magnaton if you feel like looking him up. I find most motorists in Glasgow to be fairly reasonable, even the cabbies. Something happens around rush hour however that turns them into raving idiots. I absolutely hate commuting between five and seven, especially in the dark, purely because of the muppets who seem to think that it is ok to cut in front of you or pull out at a junction. Then you get the idiots who are determined to overtake you, despite the fact that your belting along at 25mph and there is f**k all place for them to go anyway. Pedestrians as well seem pretty unaware of how fast a decent cyclist can go at, and will happily wander out onto the street just yards in front of you, then get pissed off if you can't brake fast enough or clip them.
  22. Speaking of the other road users, the BBC is showing a doc on Wednesday about the menace that is cyclists. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/video/2012/nov/30/war-britain-roads-video-excerpts
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