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Everything posted by flyingscot

  1. I need new lights for definite now after I found the front one snapped and on the garage floor. Don't need anything too fancy- views on this? http://www.wiggle.co.uk/cateye-hl-el135-and-tl-ld150-light-set/
  2. There is one on Bothwell Street, couple of blocks up from Central Station. Seemed a bit pricy from what we saw, but might get a lot for the money. Wetherspoons is fairly good for what it is. The grill nights and curry nights are good value. TGI Fridays is a rip off, food is expensive and not good value for money. I think we endes up there on work nights cause the lassies organising want the cocktails. Edit- the service has always been shite at both Braehead and Glasgow. Ashoka is actually good, safe option, decent food and prices aren't too bad.
  3. JJeeze just back out on the bike there. Only 3 miles along the main road and back into Glasgow. I kept up with traffic but when I got back in the house, my god though I was dying, had to get a drink and a seat, absolutely shattered! From 3 and a bit hours for pedal for Scotland in September, no trainings since mid October, I'he lost all fitness!
  4. Not been out in the bike since 16th October . Combination of weather, time and darkness. Will be after christmas too, I'll be well unfit again. Not signed up to team P&B but need to do so.
  5. Hi Jeremy Nah seriously annoyed me when the road is completely clear of snow yet they are crawling along as if it is a blizzard. Overtook one this morning and the look I got, but the road was fine and had no snow on it.
  6. I thought roads were alright this morning but folk are saying the roads in EK are shocking, the councils a disgrace etc. I found the roads in EK fine apart from a bit of congestion near the town centre. I think some people expect to drive to work like normal and that the council should have cleared their side road and removed every bit of snow on their route and ploughed their driveway. My commute was fine- big queue into Glasgow on M77, but going other way to EK was dong 50/60mph. Roads around Paisley/Glasgow were in the most fine apart from the OMG snow must not go faster than 15mph crew. . I then hit EK, twinned with Antarctica where traffic for some reason was crawling on all the main roads, despite them being not that bad. Left Paisley about 8.10 and got to East Kilbride just after 9 so 25-30mins more.
  7. Bought lights out of Aldi when they had their special on. Bought the 3M Velco lights you wrap round legs, arms or whatever which are excellent and also the led front and rear. However came into the garage the other day to find both front and rear lights on the deck broken, the rubber snapped in the front one, and the plastic in the rear. Need to see about replacements, all long gone out of Aldi so might e-mail them if I can find receipt. Shame their stuff it usually decent.
  8. Majority of them are token provision, but aren't wide enough. The one down near Glasgow airport varies in width, and gets so narrow at one point you'd be scraping the bushes to keep in it. Worst are narrow ones right next to parked cars. You get forced into it by other traffic but if someone opened the door you'd be a gonner.
  9. Decathlon is excellent, where my road bike comes from and some of the stuff is excellent for the money. The staff actually know a decent amount and can maintain bikes fairly well. Only problem is I spend a bit too much but I have £9 in vouchers from the loyalty card.
  10. I have Uniross 2800Mah batteries out of Maplin for my Xbox. Really long life between charges. I have 2 sets, once one runs out I change them and charge the old ones.
  11. Out today for first time in 2 weeks. Knackered into the head wind, but feel all the better for it.
  12. Some cyclists are their own worst enemy at times! Infact you often get those who make more danger for themselves than normal. If you've seen some of the youtube videos they are some crazy cyclists. I cringe when I see people going up the inside of trucks and buses at traffic lights. Seriously not a good idea!
  13. Runtastic is similar to endomondo in many respects too. I use juice defender on my phone along with runtastic- even tracking PFS I still had 50% of battery left after that run.
  14. I pulled out the old mountain bike for the last 2 runs, had spent time fixing it up. Amazed at 1. how much effort I had to put in to it to move at speed, 2. how much more comfortable it is on urban potholed roads and 3. how knackered I was after it! Still good fun but be back on the road bike for a long run!
  15. 2hours 20mins, that is fast. Actually, I was about the quickest I've ever been between Airdrie and Linlithgow but I found the hill out of Linlithgow a bit of a struggle. Did have one guy come past me saying passing on the right clearly as he flew down the hill from Avonbridge, which was good- but I share your point in cycling straight- that was what caused me to pass someone a bit close and she moaned. Indeed I found some folk really poor towards cars too- I tried to help the drivers out, waving them past but some people just didn't try to help at all and caused issues. But true that some of the riding was appallingly bad though and yes it was mostly the kitted up guys who should have known better sadly. Probably too focused on setting times rather than enjoying it. I thought it would be more social but wasn't really- some folk were alright, had a chat with a bloke in a New Zealand top between Airdrie and Caldercruix and he said hi as he passed me again before Murrayfield.
  16. Wee bumps happen in crowds esp when going slowly or when you have so many cyclists of differing speeds and confidence levels finding their level and get with others of the same pace. It was one of the difficult things, trying to pass folk carefully to get with others your pace. In actual fact I had a wee clip accidentally as we went into a food station. We were going slow anyway so it was like bumping into someone else walking along a shopping street on a busy Saturday afternoon. Just caught arm/shoulder apologised and no harm done. Mind you someone else decided to tell us that we were too close- yeah I figured, it was a mistake. I bit my tongue about what I thought about them weaving and blocking traffic earlier! On that point why were so many people not waving cars past when there was opportunity. I did, got good reactions from the drivers and it didn't affect my ride at all but so many were just happy to leave the drivers struggling to get by. There choice eh? Someone came off their bike on Edinburgh Road in Glasgow not much in front of me, I only saw her getting back up through those who stopped to help I think she must have hit a pothole. I think they'd been an accident just before Linlithgow as we were told to slow down due to surface by the Police at one point and a few folk were stopped round that corner. Hope everyone was ok.
  17. To be honest if you are going to Glasgow and you take the train back you are asking for trouble. Of course that is different if you are going to Falkirk etc. Essentially the organisers expect people to drive to Glasgow/Edinburgh and drive home again. Equally one suggestion noted to me was to take the transport back to Glasgow and trains from there as it is quieter!
  18. Hmm, Sportive next year- not too sure about that yet, my legs were feeling it when I got to the cycle track in Edinburgh! Very well done on the time and run though, 900 people did the Sportive. You make a good point on the potholes- my water bottle flew out at Easterhouse when I hit a pothole, big dent in it, could barely get it back on when I refilled it at Kirkliston! Damn bumpy roads! I know some of the roads down to Kilmarnock are tough- must have been really tough on a bike esp with weather- did you get away from the wet weather before Edinburgh? Loved going through Murrayfield, it is a cracking stadium and one I've been to loads so to be pitchside was great, I hope the photo will be good lol!
  19. Well done that is a good time. I agree it was slow out of Glasgow, I've got a few 5minute kms there! I struggled between Linlithgow and Kirkliston a bit, mainly due to the wind but out of that largely when we turned at the A90 it gave my legs a rest. I think the Sportive guys might get soaked, hopefully they'll miss it though. Loved going through the trackside at Murrayfield though!
  20. I finished an hour ago in a time of 3hrs and 38mins with 11 mins of stops which is pleasing. Now on the way home, started at 8.30 and avoided all the rain just a light drizzle to Airdrie and heavy spots near Linlithgow. Wind was bad after Linlithgow too had to lean into the kerb at to atop getting blown about. On the way home now and wind is blowing hard at Livi and there are dark skies and rain too. Was a bit slow to get started mind you, lot of folk just sacked the official start line and started on the Saltmarket lol. You do get some fuds on these rides too, to the bloke who ran the red light at speed in Easterhouse you are very, very, very lucky the guy turning right under green stopped or you would have been in an ambulance.
  21. Meant to stay dry early doors though so I'm setting off first thing on Sunday about 8am. Hopefully be a good day, best of luck to everyone.
  22. Wind was a nightmare tonight wasn't it! I came out of a line of tenements and almost got blown right over the lane by the gust. So slow on bits of my run tonight down to it- just around 10 mins longer due to the wind. Mind you never done the couple of miles with the wind behind me so quick it was ludicrous.
  23. I have ideas but need to sort it out some time. It is not that bad and only occurs occasionally- I think it is to me having too much lateral movement on my left upstroke from the pedal in the adjustment from mountain to road bikes. The fact it is only the left knee leads me to believe it could be me putting too much force through the left knee as I am right footed. Spent a lot of time getting the saddle height right but I'll have a look at that too.
  24. At work so can't get the video to see if it mentions it but also look at how far forward it is. I believe that when the pedal is fully extended towards the handlebars you knee should be in line with the ball of your foot. I've done most of this but still get a bit of knee pain- the problem I have is that I twist my knee (left one) when in the pedals instead of keeping it straight and it inflames the joint. I try to consciously not do it now.
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