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Everything posted by RH33

  1. How difficult is it to understand "Drive around the phoneix slowly so I can get a swatch at the cars and get a general idea what we might upgrade too" ? Twice we zoomed round it
  2. Seriously? They are on the outside lane and look to be just about finished
  3. Who thought it would be a good idea to dig up Renfrew main street at the same time as the Whitecart?
  4. I'm stuck in the house waiting for the surveyor to come. He is meant to be here before 1pm.
  5. I had it on earlier, it inturupted the sports news to bring pictures of a car which may have had non-uniformed officers in it Tabloid news station.
  6. Finished Angels by Marian Keyes last night. Really enjoyed it. Thought it was touchingly written in some areas and got the feelings and emotions spot on. 8/10
  7. That poor mother is broken, the T.V footage of her going to the vigial yesterday was heartbreaking. I don't think they will see their little girl again now.
  8. No, I don't get what hes saying either!
  9. Totally agree with these two posts. Hope they find the little girl, but I also hope the parents are charged with negect.
  10. Did you catch it Dave?! Even more of the two of them tickling tonsil on monday!
  11. My Sisters Keeper- Jodi Picoult Excellent book with unseen twist at end. Really enjoyed reading it. 9/10
  12. My back door won't open Never use Weatherseal for windows and doors.
  13. Can you not give her the 2nd ticket and her go with someone else and you go to the game? then the 2 of you can do something together in couple weeks?
  14. Had to call the police out earlier today when driving home on the M8 there was a dog on the fast lane.
  15. I've found a hole in the living room carpet. Not even in a place that I can strategically place a bit of furnature over
  16. I used to have Watermelons. Looking at the synopsis I don't think I read it. It must have been cleared to charity shop or the like when on one of my inumerable moves. It's about Claire the oldest sister. Angels is also part of the Walsh sisters series.
  17. RH33


    James a week on Saturday!!
  18. I started reading this at half seven tonight and am 125 pages in (unheard of for me!) it's fantastic so far. Are there any other books about the Walsh sisters or is this the follow on from Rachels Holiday, which was also a good book. Finished Notting Hell by Rachel Johnston on Saturday. Not sure what I thought of it tbh.
  19. AXA PPP Healthcare. I'm the client I shouldn't need to tell you how to approve treatment. Twats.
  20. I have it in my pile to read too.
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