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Everything posted by RH33

  1. World Trade Centre. Turned off about 45mins in. It's crap 1/10
  2. Disney Films are scary and sad. No child should be exposed to them!!
  3. Debs-Richard and Judy have tickets for all 5 dates!!! Start phoning!!
  4. United 93. Not what I expected. Less moving and imformative than I thought it would be. 3/10
  5. I never liked take that! they were big when i was 10-11!!
  6. Thats my cousin and best pals birthday!! So you're gauranteed a cracker is it's born on due date!
  7. 5 years ago I was convinced I didn't want kids. But when I met my husband everything changed and I couldn't/can't wait to have kids. Everyone is different
  8. Methedone and contraceptive pill handed out at same time. I taught a junkies kid and she had a life of hell.
  9. You'd have been as well buying a 4 month one at £34.
  10. Totally agree with all that has been said. I feel like total shite and we would have persisted but we had a long chat with our dog trainer last night who has years of experience in field. Amy is a great dog and she came from the rescue home, said trainer couldn't praise her highly enough and when she is 2 our trainer would like to home one of her pups here. As a family we have had a number of rescue dogs over the years. Most have been successful but we have had too put 2 back as they weren't trainable. Yeah fine I messed up, I bought a dog (from an owner not a rescue place) who turned out not to be suitable. We may not have children yet but as they are fairly immenet that had to be taken into account along with the fact most of our friends have children. No post on here can make me feel any more shite than I already do. She isn't going to dog trust, she is going to a cairn rescue place.
  11. She wasn't sleeping, more she had the phone under her pillow. Sorry I hadn't seen reply to post.
  12. My sister in law does that. Unfortunatly one time she was shagging her man and as my husband name starts with an A he's first in her phone book........
  13. New dog using upstairs landing as a toilet Dog Training tonight, she'll get a fright
  14. I'd rather join a class tbh with an instructor. Get out a bit more. Think I may just swollow it and pay the £6.
  15. It's the only class I have found in my area after months of looking.
  16. I feel it's rather expensive for a 45 min session. I pay less than that for dog training.
  17. Work; can't cope with it, can't go forward without facing it.
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