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Everything posted by Stoo61

  1. No much point worrying about the final just now. Get Billy G cryogenically frozen.
  2. Couldn't have got a whole lot better than that. Am I missing something about Ukraine? Seem bang average, much like us most of the time but at this stage of the qualifiers a decent team to get.
  3. You're a class act, Embow, a class act. I reckon Leish could take Val McDermid in a square go likes.
  4. We always park on North Woodside Road. Wee hike to get the blood moving again after the game. Its going to be the first time in a long time since we had a match thats going to be baltic, the wind is going to rip round the back of that main stand. I'm going Michelin Man style.
  5. You've been drinking too much of that kölsch if you're not getting Yogi's jokes.
  6. I see from Tam Cowans instagram page that Jimmy Calderwood is battling dementia, which is a damn shame. Apologies if this was already common knowledge but I didn't know. They were certainly the best times I knew as a Pars fan. (Started in 1996)
  7. I love that from Porteous, more of that sort of stuff please.
  8. Wasn't a chance in hell I was going to this game when it was drawn. I'll be there now. 0-1
  9. No needing any signings boys, guna stroll this with local laddies.
  10. Dorrans and Dom running the show and ably supported by everyone else. I think everyones eyebrows were raised at McCann on his own up top and it worked a treat. He's a BIG OANEST LAAADDDDIIIEEEEE!!!! As has been mentioned, Ayr....jeezo, dont think any of those players wanted to be out there today. Very very shite. We were very good, some ropey moments but popping the ball about with ease. Lovely shree points!
  11. Awesome Incidently the Balkans are my favourite part of...earth (aside from Scotland). If you haven't been get down there.
  12. Do Greece and North Macedonia not have beef then?
  13. Crocker just needs to be telt to bring it down a notch or 7. Not everything needs to be a line for the ages, the strain in the voice doesn't lend itself to that sorta thing.
  14. Oh yeah we do have a player called Connolly at the moment. That makes sense. Just think, this time next year we will be fluent in Yogi.
  15. Ive listened to that 6 times and don't know who hes talking about...
  16. Czechs would be quite a boring draw but would be good to get some revenge.
  17. This has the making of some conga line The human Centipoke
  18. I'd let him shag you I'd shag you to shag him
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