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Everything posted by Turbo_dee

  1. Have stolen a large taco van, but it won't fit in Trevor's garages. Any garages in the game that can hold large vehicles?
  2. The feelings mutual my good man. I come across a lot better when I'm not drunk.
  3. You're at least a 9/10 though, got to remember that not everyone was blessed with such charm and good looks.
  4. To top it off, my car has been impounded and whilst shooting at the police on the freeway I've been completely wiped out. Wonder if chop will be there when I get home.
  5. I just attempted to rob a store out in the countryside after taking chop for a massive walk, it was not a good idea. Before the cashier could put all the money in the bag, chop attacked him before chasing him into the back room and killing him. So I think, bit of a f**k up but we can still take the money, however there was only $33 left in the register and the bag of cash had disappeared. Chop had also decided to block me in so when I go to run out of the store, I go straight into the dog and he face plants forward before struggling to get up and absolutely bolts out of the store. The bone icon has disappeared from the mini map as well. Now when I catch up to him, he turns and sprints in the opposing direction, barking like mad and won't attack the police that are trying to kill me. What an absolute tit I've made of this!
  6. Anyone else had problems when taking pictures with the in game phone? I'm absolutely mad for a selfie and most of the time I can't connect to the rock star social club when I try to save a picture, this has caused my Xbox to crash a few times when I try to reattempt it.
  7. Tried the Innis and Gunn toasted oak IPA, really quite nice. They have them in Asda Dundee West if anyone is nearby.
  8. Decided to go to the movie theatre and ended up watching the loneliest robot in great Britain. It's actually tremendous!
  9. Tell me where grove street is? Spent ages trying to find it last night for nostalgia purposes.
  10. I just went out to the edge of the map near the pacific ocean and got there just as the sun was setting but before I could take the perfect picture the snapmatic thing wouldn't connect. Got one decent photo though. Think I'm in love with this game already.
  11. This is fucking amazing. Just finished the mission after the prologue and I'm currently in the house chilling in front of the TV and browsing the internet on the phone. Like others have said, go try it. It's amazing in its detail! I really hope they actually do make episodes for the cartoons advertised here, as it says episodes coming soon and has episodes lists. So far I've seen Princess Robot Bubblegum, Space Rangers and Kung Fu Rainbow Laser Force. These must be made at some point surely!
  12. Just installing it now before work. Everyone on my friends lost except one person is playing this.
  13. It's just arrived, I'm just out the shower and I'll have to go to work before even getting a chance to play it. The serious gaming will commence on Thursday!
  14. I need to get ready for work soon and it's still not here.
  15. Let's keep all mission and story related chat in spoilers lads. Can't get to sleep, which is fucking sad.
  16. They're already out of stock! I'll post in here when there is more in, try and save you a wasted journey.
  17. Come home from work to find that the postie has been, but there's no game. I don't finish work until 5 tomorrow.
  18. The new asda in Dundee has the toasted IPA on the shelf as well, although looks like the blonde is getting deleted. On the plus side, it will be reduced to clear soon I expect.
  19. Got a phone call today from Tesco reassuring me that it will be despatched on Monday via first class delivery and it will arrive on Tuesday. Also, to contact them if it doesn't arrive on Tuesday. Exciting stuff! Anyone know if there's a chance of me receiving it on Monday if I'm lucky? Finish work at 11am on Monday and don't start work until 1.15pm on Tuesday so it would give me plenty time to play it. Wednesday is a complete write off as it's a 6-5 shift followed by another 6am start on Thursday, got some holiday time at the end of the month so I will be getting fat and smelly playing this!
  20. I'm hoping you're right, were you one of the people that took advantage of the offer they had on at the time? Speaking about the game, I've managed to avoid all story spoilers, and gameplay videos so I'm going into this just knowing the map is massive and vaguely what the characters are like. Really excited now!
  21. I'm in the exact same situation as yourself, I've contacted them to seek confirmation that I'll receive my copy on Tuesday. A friend of mine seems to think rockstar have told online retailers not to despatch the game until the Monday, but I haven't heard anything like this. Sure hope he's wrong!
  22. That's the same response is got from the guy on my friends list that is playing it. Insanely impatient!
  23. If tesco don't get it to me in time for release, I will be livid. Particularly as I pre-ordered it in November 2012.
  24. This does like quite good, I'll be keeping an eye out on it.
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