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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Right boot in the bollocks that one. Onwards and upwards though. Thank you.
  2. Considering the players we have missing, I think we've been excellent. This weegie mob are a pile of shite.
  3. Don't see why anyone would give him abuse, done a pretty good job IMO considering the shite-mare he's been left with. Thank you.
  4. One of three, IMO,............ the obvious one, the tree house clown, or the temper tantrum mod. Thank you.
  5. Hopefully these morons get their heads twisted off and rammed up their arse. Thank you.
  6. Did well I thought, had a great one handed save near the end, that was going in. Thank you.
  7. Yeah, fucked with him, and fucked without him. Thank you.
  8. Dangerous, spouting out this absolute shite. Thank you.
  9. Happy with a point considering the line up, well done to the young lad in the goal, will take a lot of confidence from that. Definitely better organised under McGhee.
  10. Holty scored, but Jakubiak was ripping their defence. All good fucks Billy Dodds. Thank tou.
  11. Won the game for Partick tonight when he came on, for what it's worth. Thank you.
  12. Brilliant Partick, getting it right up that Billy Dodds p***k. Nice one Holtie as well. Thank you.
  13. stv news saying game not in doubt. Would like to know how many players are out.
  14. Needs postponed nothing else, although these morons will probably have us playing 16 year olds. Thank you.
  15. Got your challenge markf268 will need to wait until the game with Spur is finished though. Can't handle two games at once. Thank you.
  16. f**k only knows Girth, I'm not on the board. (I should be though) IMO. Thank you.
  17. All the best Danny, don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. Thank you.
  18. The phone carrying dimwits better not ask me the time in the post nuclear holocaust. I will refuse to divulge it. Thank you.
  19. Lawlor to chuck one in, and McGhee to fight ten of these well fannies at once, in the main stand concourse. Thank you.
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