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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Just seen that nonsense, disappointing from the bearded wonder.
  2. Commiserations, Gardiner running the show, so no surprise it's turned to shite. Thank you.
  3. ^^^^^^^ Mr Blobby that ran on the pitch at the end. Thank you.
  4. Should be allowed to park on Sandeman st,(right beside the ground) if you have a disabled badge, plenty of plod /stewards milling about, ask one of them.
  5. Yeah, great film. FWIW don't think you'll be going down, too strong for the likes of Raith., IMO.
  6. When you go down would like to see us putting offers in for the keeper and Sidibeh. eta. Thank you.
  7. Si running amok and causing chaos in the perth defence at the moment. Nice one Si. Thank you.
  8. Ginger Prince for me. IMO. Thank you. eta Bring him home Doc.
  9. Docherty seems to love him, but the goals/return from the big lump is no use. IMO.
  10. Defence needs a load of work for sure, would like to see McCraken back next season though.
  11. Obviously Miller is a stupid *** boy, but is Crocker one as well? Never heard so much biased shite in all my life, it's more biased than *** tv. Pair of them creaming their pants every time the sevco get close. Thank f**k I don't pay for it.
  12. You've gone far enough, don't want you blowing any more of your pocket money, mummy won't be pleased. Thank you.
  13. Be interesting to see how many of them show up, now that all is lost. Thank you.
  14. Match abandoned due to world war 3 breaking out. Clement blames Dundee and demands compo, just before his baldy skull gets vaporised. Thank you.
  15. Thought Astley did well today, one of the few plus points.
  16. Europe is just a step too far for us at the moment, and would f**k up league form next season. IMO. Best to just reflect on the success of 6th. Thank you.
  17. The bold Si won't be cheap, (fee involved Shirley?) if it's true. Go on Ogren, give Birdseye the blank cheque book. Thank you.
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