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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. They're on the SPL forum as well, having a bit of a boast and a look around. Unfuckingbelievable.
  2. I could'nt believe that one.....singling out individual players for abuse in public.
  3. If you lot are unhappy about the return of Chisholm, how about the return of McCall?
  4. Hopefully, this will give you something to think about, instead of continually poking your nose into DFC affairs.
  5. Keep up the good work, you tart.

  6. I love you too, you moderator cunto.

  7. I 've got DFC on mine =£250, a present from the Mrs.
  8. Thanks for the kind birthday sentiments. Farmboy.

  9. Bloody hell, I thought my reputation was bad. Keep up the good work.

  10. Cheers bud, you've done a few good posts yourself.

  11. I'm not sure whats going on here but whatever ghostie says is fine with me,

  12. That Kiwi polish is this business. You can see my face in the shine on these dancing shoes.
  13. They should have been punted to the third at the time of the 'Kachloul affair' any other professional league anywhere in the world would have done the same, but no, not these clowns that run the scottish game.
  14. Spot on, and thats why i'm going to have a right good laugh when it goes 'tits up'.
  15. Thats my favourite as well you did'nt see Clarkson for dust when the 'good ol' boys' arrived with the guns and dogs.
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