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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Yeah, you could see it on their fans horrible faces, absolutely shitting it for the last ten minutes. Great backing from the Derry whole second half as well I thought, don't understand folk bailing out when we were only two down though. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
  2. Back on the pitch again, waving inflatable cups around with 'f**k Dundee' written on them. That's my prediction. Thank you.
  3. Watched this, so entitled to comment, should have been six, easily, some amount of wasted chances. FFS Hibs. Pathetic home support as well. Thank you.
  4. Should have been 2 nil, Munro the idiot ref strikes again.
  5. The game will be abandoned/postponed in August because of a little bit of water in the corner? STFU. Thank you.
  6. 'Rainbow Greens' have kicked up a fuss about the Cass report.
  7. You're seriously deluded/have no clue what you're on about. IMO.
  8. There will be dancing in the streets of Forfar/Arbroath/Monifieth this evening, that much is sure. Thank you.
  9. Well played, you put up a good fight there, got some decent players as well, just unlucky, in hindsight, should've been firing deep crosses in earlier, they couldn't cope with it.
  10. Went into their thread to have a little chit chat, and then got branded a 'troll' by @Arab_R_us You couldn't make it up. Thank you.
  11. Arse twitching at the Fruitbowl tomorrow.IMO. All the best.
  12. Going perfectly, you've got a dimwit in charge, with a load of overpaid has-beens in the 1st eleven. Thank you.
  13. Shitting it for tomorrow? Another Goodwin bottle crash hopefully. Thank you.
  14. 17/2 now for Hearts win on bet365, seems like way too high odds. IMO. Will Shankland be playing? Thank you.
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