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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Not sure where the UK pace is at but the 4th episode will be airing tonight in the States.

    UK is 5 days behind, States get ep 4 tonight, we get it on Friday.

    cheers, I'm about one episode behind.

  2. At my school, someone's medication wore off(i think was the reason) which resulted in 2 ambulances, police with riot gear before a riot van showed up, smashed glass all over the floor (my class was right next to all this) said class being evacuated and f*ck knows what else. :unsure: An interesting day......who the f*ck needs "Educating Yorkshire" Ayrshire's where it's at.

    Good old pc plod......always there to help.

  3. Well what an hour that was. Got the Waspinator in to see if he could find the wasp's nest which i said i couldn't really see. He told me to put my head into the loft and look a the big f**k off nest (volumetrically the size of 3 footballs) lying in the loft with lots of angry wasps crawling about on it. I had a look, saw it and almost fell down the loft ladder.

    Anyway, onwards to look out the back to see where they were coming in, to be confronted by what could only be described as a zombie pigeon, with half a wing, half a neck and bloody bits hanging out of where its throat used to be, staggering about the back door. A few metres away was a cat with bloody dripping out of its mouth.

    The whole episode has kind of put me off my lunch now.

    That would freak me out, got a bit of a phobia of our feathered friends. What happened to the pigeon Mozza? Did you put it out its misery? I doubt I would have been able to do it, though.

  4. Was standing at my back door in Dumfries a few years ago. To the right was a fir tree which had a whole lot of sparrows in it. Further along the fence sat a sparrowhawk.

    All of a sudden the sparrowhawk took off, flew about 100 yards over the neighbours garden, did a u turn and flew right past my face and smashed into this tree. Whole episode took a fraction of a second.

    It was a real WTF moment.

    Be warned children, wild things that hunt can move really really fast!

    Birds of prey are superb. Loads of buzzards in the countryside outside Dundee and Carnoustie, they are big bassa's.

  5. I think I'm getting ready to slip gracefully into middle age. I just spied a bird I didn't recognise in the garden, so took some pictures and have managed to deduce that it's a Greater Spotted Woodpecker.

    And I've been genuinely excited by the whole thing.

    Same here, its quite interesting, I've kept a tally of all the different species that have flown into my small garden (18 different kinds) best one was the sparrowhawk that flew onto the grass with its prey and then proceeded to rip it to shreds.

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