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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. 17 minutes ago, HulltoonDee said:

    One way traffic from now on, Rolls Royces v bubble cars. Only question is how many Dees win by next Sunday, minus 1 with bookies should be 3 to 1, Murray and Main v Uniteds defence. WOW. The record score, 7-3 Dees, could go. 

    Cannot wait to see Main, McCowan and Si running at these donkeys.

    eta throw on Tiffoney as well with 20 to go when they're fucked.

    Thank you.

  2. 29 minutes ago, peebles_Dee said:

    There is a reason for some nonsense. I’m still involved in football and have lots of contacts. Some info I get is for favours for others but a lot is genuine like the Robertson, McCracken, palmer Houlden and Ingram. I even get a lot of Ross county info and one correct the other day. I’ve even said myself that some I don’t see why it would be true but it’s a transfer window and people like rumours. Some of its second hand which decreases reliability and also some sources like my pal who’s a hit or miss.

    Don't mind the rumours, but you basically said 'Beck is back', is this a fact and you're 100% certain? If not you shouldn't be posting it. IMO.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Wee jeemie said:

    He was never any good , I remember the dabs moaning like feck about him all the time , their fans didn’t rate him , now hes 35 in a few weeks I wouldn’t waste a wage on him even as a back up 

    He's played at a high level right through his career, also, these DAB morons wouldn't know a player if he fell on top of their head.

    Thank you.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Butters Scotch said:

     Well scoring against the likes of Edinburgh City etc shouldn't really be counted for in this debate. Is 14 in the top league that great? Moult had two consecutive seasons with 15 yet Dee's on here are writing him off saying he's unproven. 

    One decent goal scoring season (in a respectable league) in your entire career doesn't mean you've now all of sudden become this great player, the jury is well and truly out on Murray to see if he can replicate that kind of form again., i have my doubts. IMO there would of been a lot more clubs in for him if he was any good (including United) but I think most clubs recognise that he is awful technically which you will soon realise when watching him each week. 



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