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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Posts posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. 3 minutes ago, Butters Scotch said:

    Difference between the clubs is that United can actually fill out a bigger stadium in Tannadice for big games and don't need to give the Dees any seats they can't sell themselves.


    Seen your 'sell outs' before.

    Empty seats everywhere, not to mention the freebies you throw around.

    Thank you.

  2. 4 hours ago, Shadow Play said:

    United gave 1,342 tickets to Raith rather than the usual 1,950*.  I’m assuming we’ll only get 1,950 as well?

    * 10 seats more than was required for United fans at the Doon Derby.

    Will never happen, but I would give them the main stand allocation and that's it for the return fixture.

    f**k the money.

    Thank you.

  3. 12 minutes ago, MarbellaDEE said:

    Has anyone had experience buying derby tickets before when not able to attend the club shop in person? Don’t live in Dundee and will be offshore when the tickets come out. Will they accept me sending my season ticket to another season ticket holder to get me a ticket? 

    Nice winning start to the season and a hilarious one for United. Happy Saturday no matter the opposition.


    Thank you. 

    Think with the low amount Attendance FC are dishing out, you will have to Q up at the shop at about 2.30am.

    As well as the price, an absolute disgrace from them. IMO.

  4. 3 hours ago, Saintdunc said:

    We have signed nothing of any quality yet, and I doubt we will. This is a lower Championship side at best and that is where we are headed.  

    3 seasons of garbage. 

    New owners brought some light relief during the week but they can't kick a football either.


    Harsh..........................................but fair.

    Thank you.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

    I couldn't give a shite if a player had Rangers tattoos over his pus and had a season ticket for them if he performed week in week out at Dens. 

    Having said that, it's a no from me on Jack. Not the age and profile we need to prosper IMO.

    Not going today but looking for full strength side (whatever that is) and three points. Sick of getting put out the cup early and it being the norm. We should be beating every diddy in this group comfortably en route to the Derby. 

    A few goals spread around the strikers would be nice. At the moment my strongest 11 (taking into account injuries)  looks like:


    Ingram McGhee Portales Astley Mulligan

    McCowan Sylla Cameron 

    P-H  Murray

    Ideally for me you'd have a solid CM beside Sylla with McCowan allowed to roam about. Mulligan offers more than Robertson at LWB ( obviously a position we need to improve). Haven't seen enough of Graham to see if he can play wingback. 

    Thank you. 

    Agree with that, think Reilly will play lwb, put Mulligan centre mid.

  6. 2 hours ago, TPAFKA Jersey 2 said:

    Have you still been watchin Kodi sticks from about 15 years ago? 🤣

    The quality of picture on my IPTV is excellent and there's no "convincing" or "gaslighting" involved in arriving at that viewpoint. It's obviously not HD but why would anyone expect it to be when it's an internet stream. I'd say mine is the equivalent of the TV picture quality prior to HD. Perfectly acceptable.

    Also I (and I assume other IPTV users) don't think I'm "getting one over on" anyone. What I am doing is saving a significant amount of money yet still receiving a service and channel coverage that the likes of Sky users could only dream of. £65 a year vs double that a month charged by rip off b*****ds like Sky.

    I'm in a very fortunate position where paying £100 a month or so for a TV subscription wouldn't be a problem, but I refuse to be royally ripped off by the likes of Sky, regardless of affordability.


    1 hour ago, Derryboy62 said:

    For £70 a year (that's a year not a month) I get every sport channel, every film channel,  every television channel from across the world, all PPV, all the latest movies plus every boxset ever made. 

    Compare that to paying Sky prices, probably around £1500 per year!!

    I don't feel any shame in refusing to be ripped off either.  

    Same here, it's superb, pretty sure the sky games I stream are hd quality as well.

    Thank you.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    You’d know, look what you’ve splaffed on May, for little or no return. At least Murray looks interested. 

    Was wondering when he'd be along to pour cold water on everything, just fucking tedious.

    anyhow, back to the welcome home Simon celebrations............


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