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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Hopefully Lawlor is back on the bench again, get the fear everytime he goes near the ball, would go with Kerr lb and French rb. Would like to see McGowan and Osei on from the start as well. Thank you.
  2. Wonder what kind of pish Coyle will be slavering after this one. An absolute moron. Thank you.
  3. That was the highlight of the day watching him waddling onto the pitch. Fair play to Imrie, he's got his bunch of donkeys well organised. Draw was fair. Thank you.
  4. Just do not see the point of Sevco boy. Dire. Bowyer seems to love him for some strange reason.
  5. Thanks guys, shed a tear or two today. Thank you.
  6. Classic, plain and simple. Simply cannot go wrong with a Tudor. Thank you.
  7. Yeah, I missed the bishop, soon as I realised I knew I was beat, good open quick game, well played. Cheers my man, great battles, got too much going on just now, need a break. Thank you.
  8. Duke (Dukey) 2012 2022 Big fella started to go downhill couple of weeks ago, big weight loss, right leg then went, his pupil then got really dilated, absolutely heartbreaking watching him dragging the leg around. Vets then scammed the owner for close on £500 no clue what was up, said it was kidney failure at first then neurological/brain problems. He wasn't my cat, but he kind of adopted me, going to really miss the big friendly bassa. RIP mate.
  9. I'll bet he's fucking raging at not getting a game. Thank you.
  10. Cheers, that's probably the best I've ever played, and my second best victory ever. A load of stress though, knew one mistake and you would capitilise, even at the end a stalemate was always possible. Going out on this high, and having a rest for a season. Thanks for the battle.
  11. Osei on from the start hopefully, rampaging up and down the left flank, how's your right back Morten? Thank you.
  12. Strachanovski defeats Dandies by resignation. Will complete my final fixtures, but after that, I'm out. Thank you.
  13. How much is this pantomime costing? You're absolute fucking mince. Thank you.
  14. Thought we did well tonight, new boy looks good, French superb again, grab the money and GTF. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
  15. Should've got him to punch the ball off the goal line, and you could've got a point. Thank you.
  16. Now is not the time for division between the ranks, we need to all band together under Bowyer and trample this tinpot league. C'Mon the Dundee FC. f**k the dayglo fruits. Thank you.
  17. Yeah, is it you Im playing, have you issued a challenge? Just playing one game at a time just now, but will fire up the cup tie as there's a bit of a backlog now. Cheers.
  18. Probably dead by now, but you could go and stare at this guy............ Thank you.
  19. Hopefully common sense with Bowyer finally kicks in, and the strongest line up in the correct positions is applied. Attack this weegie mob from the start, and no mercy. Thank you
  20. Slavering again Sandy, he only played the last few games in the top league and banged in a few goals, no probs. Thank you.
  21. It's a no brainer for Bowyer, teams in this league can't handle the quality of Mulligan charging at them from centre mid.
  22. A truly shocking display, got to be the end of him. Rudden not much better either.
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