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Everything posted by scam75

  1. Morias does a lot of things right. Occasionally can hit a screamer towards goal, is a pest, is physical, hard to play against. But he never looks up and all his crosses need air traffic control clearance as they clear the box. No composure at all. Want to like him but too many deficiencies. Cut him loose.
  2. Yellow prob harsh but he did catch him. Soft admittedly. It was ignoring 17 blows of the refs whistle that got his 2nd, deserved imo
  3. Yeah photoshopped for sure. Mk1 Escort Mexico made from 1970 to 1974. That's a car show with Charlie popped in. Unlikely he would be driving it with his full kit on anyway but its a cracking match for the strip!!
  4. I wonder if his Escort Mexico was a time machine as there are much more modern cars around in that picture? A Peugeot 205, possibly a Lancia Delta C plate (1985) and possibly a mk5 Escort which would date 1991?
  5. He gave McAllister a chance and he played well. Morias managed to do nothing except be elbowed by a team mate yet he hooks McAllister at HT. Also Erhahon goes off who was playing well. We go from a team that should be 5 up at half time to a team that hung on for a draw. Not a clue with his subs and not for the first time. Shapeless and hopeless 2nd half. His time for me has run out. As others have said, decent squad if a bit light up front. On his shoulders
  6. I'll be shocked if it doesn't finish Dons more than 0 Saints less than 1
  7. Where in midfield? McGrath and Connoly surely wide. That would leave the Sheron role, why not, he must be good at something!!
  8. Very attacking looking....glad to see Erwin start, must be a 442 with Morias up top as well
  9. Commited player. Quite quick, likes a mazy, passing fell off a cliff laterally with us. Would have taken him back.
  10. One of my favourites is "onto plums". Definitely an oldie but still fairly well used in my circles.
  11. Morias has Morias on his shirt so not that unless he's decided to revert to Junior after missing a sitter in his debut.....
  12. I would assume length of contract being the biggest culprit followed by "gentleman's agreement". Either way we got a few bob from the McGinn deal eventually.
  13. You'd suggest that means 100k. He's just helped us earn at least an extra 700k by keeping us in the league. I'd make him the highest earner, extend contract and be looking for at least half a million. Of course he would need to agree........
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