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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. SPFL boards own Stewart Robertson rejecting it as well on behalf of Rangers.
  2. Because not enough teams will vote for it. Partick Thistle have already said they won't accept it, doubt Dundee will deither. Just leaves 1 club to say no and the whole plan is gubbed.
  3. 1 of the 10 in the Championship already rebuffing it. Reckon we might as well.
  4. Like the very same side overturning a 14 point deficit several year prior against a team that had won more than 1 in 9.
  5. Didn't have you down as one trying to copy a Dundee fans patter tbh. ETA: It seems you did f**k up though and actually delete your post.
  6. It's not beyond the realms of possibility overturning 11 points (If they win their game in hand) against a club that's won 1 in 9 over a period of another 8 games, is it? Not saying it would happen - But stranger things have.
  7. So, you're telling me the likes of Celtic, Rangers & Hearts won't be able to comment if the league is unable to continue and just have to accept what the lower leagues have voted for?
  8. I hope we vote against this. I'd have been disappointed but accepting of this if we all done it together. But this shambles is like the old days of SFL and SPL. We'll do it then be shafted by the top flight in order to protect Hearts. Shambles.
  9. Was 05/06 the season they needed to redesign the away kit due to fan outrage? Can't find the pic of it online.
  10. I really like it with the caveat that it's likely to be ruined by a sponsor.
  11. So what happens if we all accept it then the top flight doesn't? Nonsensical to be allowing the top flight to wait and see whilst we vote now. We'd all be better off waiting for the top flight and doing it together.
  12. Janey Godley is finally getting roasted on Twitter. She blocked me long ago so I can't enjoy it, but good that she's being called out as fucking dreadful.
  13. Brilliant, that's increased the hype tenfold for me.
  14. I've not seen this. Can you send a link, please?
  15. Unless it's a bespoke kit, it's likely to be a Dark Blue version of this (Based on Macron's kits and the wee flash on the corner of the strip):
  16. Fine: Colin Cramb played for Hearts in 1995 - Pasquale Bruno played for Hearts in 1995 - Pasquale Bruno played with Platini at Juventus.
  17. Colin Cramb - Involved in a player swap deal with Mo Johnston - Mo Johnston played with Stuart McCall at Rangers - Stuart McCall played with Brian Laudrup - Brian Laudrup is brother to Michael Laudrup - Michael Laudrup played in the same team as Platini for Juventus.
  18. Taker vs Sting for next year in that format, then Taker vs Kane the following year in the same format to retire them both would be perfection. It depends if Taker sees that as 'real' wrestling and whether or not he even enjoys it though tbh.
  19. Iain Duncan Smith pretty much declaring Boris Johnson fit to work with statements like:
  20. Twitter has went full Tory. People wanting to clap for Boris and everything. Horrendous.
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