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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Calderwood really needs to go. The policticking going on in regards to it though really is lamentable.
  2. Some doctor has went on an absolute rampage trying to discredit and basically harass Jason Leitch on Twitter for not being a doctor. This is the beginning of the backlash of the morons.
  3. Taker-Sting done in that style would be unbelievable. The dream match is still on.
  4. Best thing I've seen in wrestling since Taker was producing 5 * matches at Mania. Absolutely loved it. As did Kane:
  5. That was AJ Styles' retirement match IMO.
  6. Taker had time to sort out his frizzy do between takes I see.
  7. AJ to bury Taker and him to reappear as his ministry character.
  8. This is like watching a film on the Sci-Fi channel in the early 00's.
  9. Biker taker is back, officially.
  10. It'd be an absolute shocker if this is how they end Taker even though he's been done for about 5 year.
  11. That is utterly fucking dreadful.
  12. Documentary about Taker called, 'The Last Ride' airing with him main eventing night one of Mania. For about the 8th year in a row he has me thinking it could be his last match.
  13. Is this live? I thought it was pre-taped? There's a video on Twitter of Michael Cole getting caught on his phone just as an ad break ended,
  14. I've said it before, but I feel the need to say it again, I'm not a wrestling fan. Nights like this really make that crystal clear. Wrestling bores me to tears. I love the drama, the excitement, the red hot crowd, the atmosphere, the stories and the brilliant commentary. I see none of this unfortunately and this is merely a time passer. I'm typing this rant because I'm jealous as f**k of the people who love the actual matches.
  15. This is fucking dreadful. Them noises.
  16. Vince not even willing to open the show.
  17. You're OFTW if you wear white socks with shorts.
  18. Ankle socks or no socks when you wear shorts.
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