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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Serendipity (2000) This is totally a woman's film, but it stars John Cusack and I was bored so gave it a go on Netflix. Ashamed to say, I rather enjoyed it. 7/10
  2. They just showed a clip of Cena & Lesnar last night again, with a few wrestling promos inbetween.
  3. Enjoyed that tbh. Was never gonna be the best show in terms of matches and it was definitely gonna be a bit cheesy, but I thought it was top notch.
  4. Loving it tonight. Surprised by the reaction on here.
  5. Think Mae Young was just a time filler since that match went so wrong...
  6. Good wee surprise that Smackdown is on live tonight!
  7. Who said that? I never said anything of the sort.
  8. It was a good comeback, admittedly but he looked far from dominant. He did look good against Herring, but I wouldn't say Herring was particularly top notch opposition considering he was a last minute replacement and he fought with a broken orbital bone after the first punch.
  9. He only had 8 fights and he only ever looked dominant against an aging Couture and Mir the second time round.
  10. In a ring, he may well be but in a street fight, I'm sure there are plenty of randoms who could do him in. Lesnar simply can't take a hit, and he isn't even near the best techincally in the UFC. Overeem (Who you mentioned) hammered him, Mir also dominated him techincally in their first match. For a start, I think the Klitschko's would wipe the floor with him.
  11. Sorry for the 3rd post in a row, but for anyone who's not seen Goldberg vs Lesnar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5JETjzLAEg&feature=related
  12. Lesnar is nowhere near being one of the hardest men in the world. That's plain stupidity to even say so. I also disagree to an extent that he could f**k anyone in the dressing room with ease. I'm sure in an interview, Lesnar admitted that Kane was one of the strongest people he'd ever met or something along those lines. You're right though, WWE isn't loaded with 'hard' people these days, but irregardless of that, my point was why is Lesnar saying it? What purpose does it serve? To be a c**t. Austin would have taken the loss, but was it not originally planned as a squash? Totally agree that Austin's reaction was out of order (Stone Cold says it's the biggest regret of his career). You make a good point here, but then if this was the case it would mean McMahon is acknowledging TNA as a force? Be interesting to see TNA's response.
  13. Another reason why Lesnar is an absolute c**t, he knows he'll get stick from the crowd and because of that fact he decides to act like a bitch and not put on a good show? Letting down the fans, the people who bought it, the company he was leaving and most importantly letting himself down but as soon as he returns he's loved again? He's an utter c**t of a human being.
  14. Lesnar is the kind of guy who would have opened up Cena just because he can irregardless of whether he was supposed to or not.
  15. That's right, go for a massive pop by dressing up as a superstar who wrestles for another brand.... KANE! Chokeslam the c***s.
  16. Feel like going to bed, considering we've still to see The Three Stooges finale. The guy out of Will & Grace is one of them - would have been half decent if it was Jim Carrey. Need a spectacular ending to save this Raw, and with them in it, it's gonna be shit all round.
  17. Aye, quite enjoyed it last week. It's for the title this week though which is interesting because if Jericho attacks Punk again - I can't see Henry taking it well, yet I doubt he'll lose cleanly either. EDIT: Well that was shite.
  18. This promo from Punk is tedious. Get on with it!
  19. Crowd just dies when Tensai goes to the ring. Just not buying into it at all. Jerry Lawler - 'This is uncomfortable' - You're right Jerry, but not in the way you meant.
  20. Big Show's cheeser was outstanding.
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