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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Personal insults because I'm not into a particular show, what's your IQ level by chance?
  2. Any good 'horror' books? Not your Stephen King or Layman stuff either, I'm looking for something psychologically terrifying?
  3. Here is, I shit you not, a true urban legend: Heard of the 'Bloop'? In 1997, an ultra-low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the NOAA. While the audio profile of the Bloop does resemble that of a living creature, the source is a mystery both because it is different from known sounds and because it was several times louder than the loudest living animal, the blue whale. Video of 'Bloop', decide for yourself: My personal opinion is that 'Cloverfield' was real.
  4. Since it's coming up for Halloween, I thought I'd give this a much needed bump.
  5. I think the main thing that put me off is that I was used to Andrew Lincoln with his normal accent, that when he put the American one on, whilst being half decent at it, I just couldn't buy it.
  6. I keep trying to get into this, and whilst it started off very impressively with the whole 'Tank' thing, I just can't get into it and that's frustrating as hell as I love all things zombie and this should be right down my alley but it just isn't holding me.
  7. Leon is a thriller with Jean Reno as a hitman. You should just know from that, that it's epic. Gary Oldman as the bad guy as well. Oooft.
  8. Some of Kafka's stuff is top notch, particularly 'The Metamorphosis'.
  9. I agree with a lot of what Sergio says to be fair. WWE wrestling, whether we like it or not is in a lull period, it doesn't compare to to the Attitude Era nor even the Golden Era. Slowly but surely, steps are being taken to get WWE back to where they belong, CM Punk for example, whilst I can't stand him I can see he's shook up the company and brought some much needed excitement. A lot depends on what Triple H does in his new role I suppose, most people are giving Sin Cara the benefit of the doubt here and are sure he'll cut out his mistakes, but it was obvious the fans would not take to him as much when they already had Rey Mysterio. Why is WWE not as great as it once was? A lack of competition. WWE was so great, it killed off WCW and simply took over ECW. TNA is not on the same level as either of these promotions, but once/IF it is, you can bet your house on it, WWE will be hitting top form.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtFg417oF_A
  11. I didn't think it was possible to hate a child more than the old Ben, nevermind hate the same character more! Why did they get rid of Lauren?
  12. David Essex, the only good acting 'Moon' has now officially left. Good whilst it lasted with him in it.
  13. Frost/Nixon 'Artistic license' or not, it was a great film. Top notch. 9/10.
  14. CM Punk vs Austin is being touted for Wrestlemania. Austin has already said if he could cherry-pick an opponent it'd be CM Punk, and alluding to the Mayweather fight last night, Punk said that's the fight everyone wants to see.
  15. The brand 'divide' has been lifted and all superstars will be able to compete on Raw or Smackdown. Any chance of a link and what time it starts and finishes? Only very rarely watch Raw since I don't have Sky Sports, but looking to get into the swing of things again.
  16. What's with Vince McMahon's hairdo these days? Was it not something like 3-4 year ago he got shaved bald? He just looks like a sad old man with that haircut, whereas he looked genuinely like a powerful man with his old classy do. Get it sorted WWE.
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