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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. In all honesty, thats a real shitty thing to do. We've got 2 daughter in laws and we wouldn't dream of doing something so low. Families, fucking gruesome at times they are
  2. Mum obviously feels your not good enough for her son, get her fucking asked what her problem is
  3. Aye do Camberwick Green, Trumpton and Chigley, fucking great programmes
  4. Aye well, nobody fucks a competitive, close, tense game of darts up like wor Phil
  5. Does she care ? She's no got a bad lifeWhat the f**k is in Taylors right trouser pocket ? I noticed Barney was plopping his hand in to his as well... powder ?
  6. Taylor is a fucking machine
  7. PRECIOUS A film centred around a coloured lasses upbringing in Harlem. Heart wrenching, sad, but at times kinda funny. 8/10
  8. Top totty in her day, so was Babs Windsor
  9. She looks like she's sooking a lemon all the time and her ears look like they've had a rottweiller chewing on them. Nice pair o diddies though
  10. Never have i seen a lassie go doon hill quite like Sam Mitchell.
  11. Went to bed last night feeling pretty good, woke this morning with severe diarohea and a sicky feeling
  12. Aye, i bet SAF is shitting himself
  13. 9/10 for the last 15mins. 1/10 for the rest of the film. Fucking slowest film ive ever watched. Seemingly $15,000 to make, a made up as you go script and shot in the directors hoose. It showed btw
  14. Me too, gutted. Ron, when you try tomorrow (and you will), make sure it's around 12.35 cheers Ron
  15. watched it all week and fucking missed the final
  16. fucking hell Gary, thats pure pish man
  17. I'd personally like the security lads to wade in and crack some skulls, fucking noisy twats best ive seen him play
  18. Agreed, but you cant expect to give people access to alcohol and then tell them to behave ffs. Moan Gary lad
  19. never seen anyone so fucking depressed looking and winning in my life 2nd half performance by Taylor was brilliant
  20. Call of duty, modern warfare 2. It's all ive fucking heard at work today with the young yins today, fucking creaming themselves they are. My youngest has taken 2 days off work just to sit on his arse and play it. I mean WTF, over a stupid fucking game. The yoof of today need to get out more
  21. in my neck of the woods, "everything" means the salad, then your asked which sauce you'd like. Needless to say, i wasn't in my neck of the woods
  22. Large doner with eveything on and a bag of chips. Happy as f**k till i opened it and found out the bitch had put chilli sauce on, still ate it though
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