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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. there will still be time for saturday if something doesnt fit, just !
  2. they're fucking horrible looking ears, but as you say, luscious diddies
  3. Got the wifes first name on, i bought it for her birthday, £250 thirteen years ago. A bit pissed off i didn't buy C9 OCO for myself a few years back when i had the chance. My nickname like
  4. no, but if i hope by having a starter of soup, it might curb this obsession of ice cream i've got
  5. No for me, although wont be long before the missus is on the ball with homemade Lentil, Scotch broth and Mushroom soup. It might get me off the daily ritual of Morrisons Toffee and pecan ice cream and strawberries. 3 tubs a week i'm going through
  6. Been to quite a few funerals like this myself LBM, heart wrenching stuff. To bury your kid, regardless of age is just unnatural and every parents nightmare. Puts all your own petty shit into prespective
  7. Fucking muppets in a supermarket that put an item in their trolley, only to find another brand cheaper further on and fling back the first item on any shelf but where they found it. Lazy fuckers
  8. Lucas is one crazy fucker cant take my eyes off Denises sisters jugs btw
  9. Blackthorn cider, it's not magners, but nice nevertheless
  10. The passion of the christ 9/10 Just finished watching it on film 4. When the first words were spoken and the subtitle went up i thought f**k that and reached for the remote, then decided to give it ten minutes and glad i did. Brilliantly done by wee Mel. Pretty gruesome stuff at times, but superbly done none the less
  11. The sewage treatment plant in this town is a joke !. Had to close all the doors and windows as the smell is givin is the boak
  12. Still, the gay storyline is keeping it worth watching
  13. Just had cheese, ham and chutney toasties, mighty fine
  14. Just is sam, an unwritten law. I still cant say owt to my two when my mam and dad are around, and their 24 and 21
  15. Cheers sam, If there isn't lots of prezzies tomorrow morning there will be big kick offs
  16. blowing a gale doon here, just ripped the felt clean off my summerhouse roof
  17. stay in, drink beer, watch con air, sorted
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