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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Mine is in a wheelchair though, damn, ok you winI've always thought an over 40's forum would be a good idea, somewhere to talk about our aches and pains and be free from the more cuntish on here
  2. My dads bigger than your dad
  3. Last night certainly was, apart from Kat, the actings terrible
  4. Brilliant stuff, well deserved
  5. Taylor's rattled, mon billy bob
  6. Hope they use his fucking heed to open the exit door, what a tit
  7. I'm off out to a wedding reception, so I into the wardrobe for a look and pick what I think looks snazzy. Quick look in the mirror, a nod of approval, then through to where the wife's getting her make up on for her acceptance, " that looks ridiculous, it's too tight, get it off, you're no wearing that",never fails lol
  8. Aye wingy, getting there, the night is young ha ha ha
  9. Polished the San Miguel off, on to Stella now
  10. Does anyone know where Ian Beale is hiding ?
  11. Just stood and drowned, then cooked 4 crabs and 3 lobsters and the wife's givin half the meat away to people i barely know, fucking last time I tell thee
  12. Got the wee yin biding, she's had me up since 4am but I'm loving it, just me her and a basket of toys lol
  13. £450 at the garage today for a coil pack, mot, service and a timing belt, robbing basas
  14. My grandaughter Ava was 1 yesterday and what a year it's been. She still makes small steps and i still feel priveliged to be her Grandad. Many tears have rolled down my cheek in the last year and no doubt many more will come. She still amazes us everyday
  15. Is heat a good idea ? When my back goes I go for the opposite, cold
  16. Congrats KF, hope the wee yin puckers up sharpish rowan
  17. Haven't been in a pub for a year now, but was in stansted airport on Friday night and for a pint of fosters and a large glass of wine ( for the girly manager) it was fucking £8.70. Good job the firm was paying, daylight robbery
  18. She was fucking cringeworthy running after George when social took him away
  19. Just had a lovely home made jalfrezi, rice and a garlic bread. An almond magnum and a smarties chocolate egg. Sorted
  20. The difference between men and woman?. Went for a lovely walk wi the granddaughter today in the pappoos ( sling). All the woman I know who went past me in their car, waved their hand, fully knowing that my wee Ava might be sleeping. All the arsehole men tooted their fucking horns when they were level with me, frightening the shit out the bairn. Well done the lasses on this one lol
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