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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Just when you thought you'd seen it all on the roads, i had to slow down my van today to pass by a hundred pilgrims, some carrying a 12 ft x 6 ft wooden cross on their backs
  2. The first meal I demand when back from a holidayAsda's yorkie cookies, packet of chipsticks and a cheese, ham and tomato sauce roll
  3. I thought Hev had a maw ? Surely a pending wedding and then the murder of your daughter would interest the woman to show face ?
  4. Just when you thought shirl's acting couldn't get any fucking worse
  5. Wanted. 9/10 Sky + this film on ITV a few weeks ago not expecting to evervwatch it. So glad I did though, brilliant fight scenes, intriguing storyline. McAvoy a treat
  6. Wanted. 9/10 Sky + this film on ITV a few weeks ago not expecting to evervwatch it. So glad I did though, brilliant fight scenes, intrigi
  7. I thought Shirls performance tonight when she went back to Hevvas flat was inspirational. Hollywood beckons. Seems like the kebab shop next door will have to pay off staff now Hev is deid and Andy is gonna get the melter for it
  8. Difficult times ahead for them, hope all ends well reina
  9. Good night, big hevva has been shut up, benji hopefully gets time and phil's getting out. If only big andy had slapped billy around the queen vic it woulda been perfect
  10. The Bank of Scotland, not happy that the wife went down with £132 in change, all in money bags and ready to weigh. Seemingly anything over 4 bags and you have to phone the bank and pre warn them you're coming lol. They of course didn't complain at the £5000 in notes she also took in, twats !
  11. Jist telt the wife this sad news, she reckons Shirley does it
  12. Ahhhhhhh f**k it, watching motd half pished and needing a shite, happy days ha
  13. this fucking diet ain't went to plan today. 2 meat and tattie pies, a yorkie and a caramel, chips, chicken madras, chicken tikka, pakora, nan bread, Ben and jerrys caramel ice cream and now on my 6th bottle of San miguel
  14. It's gonna end in big Andrew skelping oor heather in a fit of rage
  15. Four lions Really enjoyed it, been a while since I've laughed at a film so much. The blowing up of the sheep was pure class lol 9/10
  16. Lol at Whitney, serves her right for mind fucking and dumping fats. As for Tyler, respect to you bro, u da maaaan !
  17. Congrats to all, you'll get a greeny when I'm on the laptop
  18. Morrisons do a lovely Chinese meal deal for a £10er, the duck was superb
  19. cheers reina, yeh she's healing fine. Granny's can be painful sometimes. My mum was always sneaking my two sweeties when they were younger, now they're older, it's moved on to homemade banoffie pies
  20. That's the wee yin back from the sick kids hospital today. Operation went well on friday, bye bye to the Nasal Gastro tube and that big plaster on her cheek, she now has the Mic-Key button fitted. She's still in a bit of discomfort, but her smiles are starting to come back
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