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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. f**k sake gaz, I had you down as being slightly more intelligent than that, do you really think that's how it happens lol
  2. I wouldn't expect a fucking tedious w****r like you to understand, now away and bait some other fucker wi your pish
  3. Both my sons asked their father in laws permission, as you say it's a nice gesture. I suppose it depends on the in laws also, what type of family they are. Both my sons father in laws are good men and appreciated being asked
  4. Yet again Shirl puts in a great shift with some terrific acting
  5. Can't see this church thing catching on tbh. Full of old people praying for a bit more time. I have however prayed for governments to make the right decisions on poverty, Syria, alcoholics and druggies. Att 34
  6. I'm back on Saturday though lol, sons wedding, which is why this morning is happening. Got a fucker of a hangover also, it won't go well
  7. Aye, it's Ben, and Alfie is actively encouraging it
  8. I'm eating a coconut, havent had one for years, rather nice it is as well. Had a Bells Scotch Pie for lunch, it was fecking bowf, as dry as a nuns fanny
  9. In fairness, both are complete wanks
  10. That's my mechanic had my car in his garage for 2weeks now, engine been stripped down and built back up 3 times that I know of and it still sounds like a bag of shite. Still, I ain't paying a penny for his experimentation, but I'm getting mighty pissed off having to walk up and down to work each day
  11. The wife says those greedy fuckers at sky have put it up by £2.50 a month, so f**k it, sky sports is coming oot
  12. Kats paps are still worth a swatch IMO
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