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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Mo and Pat banter, "keep your chin up, all three of them"
  2. Babysat the grandaughter on saturday night, she slept until 4am then up bright eyed I'm used to an uninterupted nights kip, me and the wife were both knackered yesterday. Even when she was asleep, the sleep we got was light and broken, worrying if she was breathing and that was with an apnea monitor as well. Too old for this now
  3. my words exactly to the wife at the end of last nights episode
  4. people who canny walk past a cordless drill without pressing the trigger, you're flattening my battery ya fucking dafties
  5. that 'rooney goal machine' advert is getting on my fucking tit end
  6. congrats to diamonds and adolfo, chuffed for you both
  7. I debated my choice in words ha fucking ha all i could think of was Joe Pesci saying "they f**k you in the drive thru"
  8. Sad i know, but it's spolit my night. I fucking love their fries, even had the barbeque sauce to have a dip
  9. McDonalds, went through the drive thru. drove home 8 miles and realised the useless, silly cnuts hadn't put my fucking fries in the bag. I mean, how hard can it be to look at a fucking monitor and put it in a fucking bag, smile and say thank you. Eejits !!!
  10. Zainab, quite simply the thickest character ever, in the history of soaps . Jane and Mas, when they kissed, me and the missus both went ahhhhhhh together. Hope it turns into a relationship, cant have been easy being with that torn faced, easily led Zainab and the he/she fanny Beale
  11. every time he comes on the screen i think the wife is gonna put her foot through the screen, she detests him
  12. exactly I was at Hillsborough around 1983 and herded into that same end. With all the grounds and ends i ended up in at that time, this was by far the scariest exactly
  13. i wouldn't go that far married 26 years today, must have been a shit occasion 4 years ago as i was sitting on the computer and joined p+b
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