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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Wee Ava is 3 months and was weighed again today and she's up to 9lb 9oz, so she's making good progress. Her nitrazepan has had to be upped slightly with the weight gain which is unfortunate though, was 0.8 ml, now 1.1ml. She's allowed up to 2ml, so half isn't too bad i suppose. Had a master at "reiki" in to look at her on monday, she said she would be a handful the next day, then start to improve from then on. Hey presto, yesterday and today she has taken her first milk by bottle in her morning feed, 30mls by bottle of the 105ml each time. Coincidence or reiki woman ?.
  2. My son phoned me at work today to tell me the grandaughter managed for the first time today to take a bottle. We've waited 10 weeks for this and at times didn't think it ever would. Only 15mls mind you, but it's a start
  3. Cracking news SDAva had to be re-admitted to the Borders General Hospital last week with possible acid reflux, she constantly cries. The 24hr Ph test came back negative and we were told "it's just the way she is". She is fed through a nasal tube, so our next goal is to have her feed with a bottle. I'm just loving the granda cuddles i get
  4. congrats shuggie keep the heed up SD. They're hardier than what we think
  5. Cheers guysShe's a wee miracle chico. Took 4 days before they would tell us she would pull through. She has HIE, Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy Grade 2 (moderate) so a long road ahead for Ava. Her mum and Dad (who i'm so proud of) me and her granny are so up for the task though
  6. I became a grandad to a beautiful grandaughter on April 26th 1.26am, 6lb 9 3/4 oz. We've just got Ava Margaret home this afternoon from the neonatal unit at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, where she has been from her birth. She has changed the way i will live my life forever
  7. Daughter in law now 10 days past her date, her and the son have to be up at the Borders General Hospital at 8am to get started. It's about to get real and i'm shitting it
  8. 2 weeks to go before i'm a grandad. Baby was breech, but was successfully turned around (which i hear isn't a nice experience) on monday. I'm shitting bricks
  9. A packet of Toffeepops for supper nom nom
  10. Exactly, that was squirmy to watch. One player looking like he was gonna shit himself and another looking totally embarrassed. Never seen two players wanting off a stage as quick in my life. Never thought i'd be cheering for that twat Lewis, especially against Anderson, but i was. You could have heard a pin drop when Lewis squared it at 3 3 . I hope the english crowds dont stoop to this shit against Anderson now
  11. Mmmmm i think the daughter in law was feeling the same with me and the missus tonight, he/she was doing somersaults tonight
  12. I can never remember being as immature in my youth as some seem to be on here
  13. Fucking valentines day on its way. Card, flowers and a meal, or the face will be on
  14. Steak, sausage (sq and link), mushrooms, baked beans, toast, fried egg, black pudding and haggis (turned down something called white pudding as it looked shite)
  15. This whole storyline is fucking sick, still there is a helpline being offered after each episode which is nice. I'd love to know who looks after Roxy's kid, she never seems to have her
  16. He's a jock, plus the flag at the walk on tonight didn't help
  17. Lewis thoroughly deserved that, Andersons doubles let him down at crucial times. The 9 darter was superb stuff
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