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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Large doner with eveything on and a bag of chips. Happy as f**k till i opened it and found out the bitch had put chilli sauce on, still ate it though
  2. Cant believe those two irritating wee b*****ds have been put through to the live shows on X Factor
  3. Dont get me wrong, they're definately worth a look see. We paid £140 for the trip by plane from Hurgada, it's an extra £11 (£100 egyptian) to go inside one of the big ones. Just a bit disappointing when you turn round and see the shithole that is Gisa/Cairo
  4. I wish i'd known that 20 million people live beside the fucking pyramids before i booked to go. I had this notion they were kinda in a desert like, not on the fucking outskirts of a muckle city. Took the shine off it a bit for me, look at the sphinx, turn round and there's a fucking KFC staring at you. Someone should have told me
  5. Not long back from the hospital. Went up at 9am, took the b*****ds 11hrs to tell me i havent had a heart attack, which i could have told them right from the off. Soon as you mention chest pains they fucking shit themselves. Going to Egypt on wednesday and the b*****ds have shaved bits of my chest for the ECG. 2 hrs it took the doc, who looked 12years old to write a fucking letter so i could get discharged
  6. According to the wife and pal i'm correct Different toon i guess Always liked Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear A one step, a two step And a tickly under there orrrrrrr Clap a hands for daddy coming down the wagon way With a pocket full of money and a bag full of hay god i miss this type of thing, when they're older they just grunt or ignore you. Enjoy, time flies in too quick when their young
  7. Clappa clappa handies Daddy's gone a hunting To get a little rabbit skin To put little ???? in In my day like
  8. TRACTORS...Do these fucking vehicles actually pay road tax ??
  9. except my late but great and dearly missed dog "mickey". When he wanted a piss he just cocked his leg where he stood. Dont think he liked to bother me bless im
  10. its just had two slices of corned beef and two slices of bread, it can f**k off now. It even wakes you at first light in the morning knocking like f**k on the glass. probably shouldnt feed it
  11. the seagull thats currently knocking on my french door with it's beak, looking for food cheeky b*****d
  12. no such thing as a lady that cant cook AG, if i can muster the odd meal up, anybody can
  13. We had Queen Liz at eyemouth today. What a load of bollox !! . Fucking polis everywhere, they were in boats, range rovers, bikes and on foot. Couldnt park the car in my usual place, you know the place that i park the cunting thing over 300 times in a year, nor in the car park over the road. Oh no, 1/2 a fucking mile away. Made me late for work and i nearly shit meeself, all coz of her. Was there any fuckin need. One bit did make me laugh though. Some auld biddy came down the road in a silver audi estate, parked, got out the car dressed in bright pink and everyone started cheering, waving their flags and taking photo's. The penny didnt drop till 8 motorbikes came down the road with the real queen in tow. fuckin priceless
  14. thought he looked like the astronaut in Deep Impact myself. The one that was blinded and couldnt see his kid, ye know the one
  15. a sausage sandwich woops a bacon sandwiches ass any day of the week
  16. the quantity becomes less, but the quality becomes awesome
  17. keep up the good work ya scummy cnuts
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