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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Both sons tests have come back negative thank f**k
  2. I can’t believe you had fun in coldingham tbh
  3. For all what’s lambasted on this fine forum, this #dece shite still goes unchallenged, mingin patter ladz.
  4. Some of the shit down here is unreal atm and it will get worse, I’m all for getting on in some way with our lives, but some, mostly the young are fucking morons
  5. Love them at that age, I’ve got a bubble machine, bubbles are great, also two canes and a bit of string in a loop and you can make giant bubbles
  6. Defended a woman being dragged home by the hair one Saturday night by her husband, decked him, but then had to fend off her, it had f**k all to do with me apparently
  7. This is what happens when you come off that fence
  8. Nice work and I’m glad you’re going to tarmac, rather than using blocks on the drive, i wish I had
  9. They did T in the park, I remember saying to the wife awe c**t will leave wen they came on, the tut tut tent was full and bouncing, didn’t think the younger generation would have appreciated their music
  10. The isolation was the best part of lockdown, I thoroughly enjoyed it
  11. Tickets purchased today for The Specials at the Usher hall
  12. 18 hours, and nothing about the hands? f**k sake Did it on purpose tae, disappointing
  13. Never seen or heard of this before, but a canny tipple none the less. 50p a bottle
  14. I’d like to buy that wasp a pint, sterling work, that’s what you get for wandering over the border into God’s country
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