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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Went into administration on wednesday, 16 paid off today, 11 of us left. To what extent we can function, god only knows. Can't even get the skip emptied coz were on stop with every company we deal with, can't even get the pick up back from its MOT coz its £800. A week on Wednesday to find a buyer. Men paying for the incompetence of those in charge, tragic
  2. Facias painted Guttering renewed Windows stained Drive cleaned Garage cleaned Shed cleaned Summerhouse lined out Cars cleaned Garden weeded Who's a good boy, meeeeee
  3. its the young lads with kids and mortgages I feel sorry for Zen, some worried faces down there today
  4. The company I work for has went into administration today, aaaaa well, shit happens. On the up side I'm just back from removing all my scrap out my workshop, scrappy getting phoned on monday
  5. Just polished off a 1/2lb cheeseburger with salad and burger sauce and chips out the local turk grill
  6. Cheers guys, that's them home, so were back home also. Kids are for the young, fit, healthy and energetic, I'm shattered lol
  7. wee jack Mathew was born at 3.15am in the ERI weighing in at 7lb 11oz and 51cm long. Mum, dad and baby doing great. Granny and granddads nerves however are shot to ribbons. Just back from seeing him :-))))))))))))
  8. Stewarty offered to take it off his hands when we first realised he was fucking it up, should have pm'd him the list the useless little fucker
  9. Just watched tonights episode, well if fair cheered me up, fucksake !!!
  10. Daughter in law due on Sunday, she has till next Wednesday to go herself, then planned C-Section on thursday
  11. All booked for a weekend in the toon, up to the castle for the tattoo and the fringe i believe is on
  12. One phone call to sky and £40 a month coming back into my pocket, nice
  13. aye, I lol'd when Denise said that. Cheap as chips
  14. Just had to jump into a neighbours garden to put out a Chinese lantern that dropped, fucking useless things
  15. Well this patter is fucking honking
  16. Just put a rather nice set meal for 2 for £20 away. Starters were superb. Letting it settle for 5 mins, then I'm on profiterole's covered in cream. Ave it !
  17. To the lorry driver I passed going northbound on the A1 this morning and the two lads in the transit van when I came back CHEERS !!!! For giving me the heads up that those sneaky fuckers in the mobile speed camera van were up ahead. Just when you despair at humanity, these lovely people came into my life
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