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Posts posted by forkboy

  1. On 07/08/2023 at 08:52, Dons_1988 said:

    But that is the strategy now. A moderate programme that covers the football accurately and thoroughly does not generate social media hits and stories. 

    The old firm, controversy, referees, pundits arguing is all much more valuable to them. Who cares if it’s all completely contrived like talksport!

    The bbc in general has headed this way for a while as other forms of media are bullying them into it. 

    It's true, and also utterly annoying because the whole point of the BBC is they have a revenue source other than advertising. They shouldn't have to be chasing ratings. But of course that's the world we live in, where the bottom line is all that matters. 

  2. On 05/08/2023 at 20:09, Central Belt Caley said:

    Was listening in the car earlier and some of the patter was horrendous.

    ”Willie did you see that there was an Edinburgh City boy on Love Island?” Not like there’s games on the go we could be getting updates on. 

    The whole format needs ripped up and starting again. 

    Surely there needs to be a better system for letting other members of the team know that there’s been a goal/chance/red card rather than screaming “CHANCE” when someone else is giving an update

    I don't think the entire format needs ripping up, definitely plenty of room for tweaks. But the basic format worked fine for years with Richard Gordon, and was perfectly fine with Al Lamont in charge last weekend. MacIntyre is just absolutely brutal though, he actively has contempt for every team outwith the Old Firm. But even ignoring that major flaw he's just guff at filling time.

    So we end up hearing the same shite about VAR every week. Meanwhile he's got no control or authority either so Michael Stewart & Alan Preston just steam roll everyone, Preston to talk about some nonsense he should keep to his group chat (or to sing the praise of one of his clients while not mentioning he's their agent), and Stewart to be a contrarian. At least being a contrarian means he isn't an Old Firm lover.

    I'd like the old boys network replaced, ideally with people who can string two sentences together, although Derek Ferguson isn't the worst and he doesn't exactly come off like the sharpest knife in the block. He at least gives a shit about the game he's watching and doesn't come across resentful he's being paid to go to the football. But getting Kenny McIntyre relegated to curling or something else I don't watch would instantly make the show more listenable. By an order of magnitude.

  3. I'd like to see the Inverness Courier give a shit about anything else as much as they care about the A9 dualling. A modern railway line to the Highlands would be nice & less environmentally disastrous that increasing road capacity. But it doesn't even have to be that. Obviously I'm biased because I've never learned to drive but still, good lord it's the main thing they talk about these days in a time of climate crisis, widespread poverty, lack of affordable housing (even with the incredibly twisted definitions of affordable that are used by councils & the government), massive inequality, the slow destruction of public services, it's just not high on my list of priorities.

    Sorry, I have been trying to gurn less in this thread but the Courier are really annoying me lately & I needed to rant.

  4. My first games were watching the village team, Ardersier, in the Inverness & District Welfare League. Because it was a short walk from the house and obviously it was free and at that age I'd have probably watched any football I could get my eyes on.

    First paid game was...it was either a Caley vs County game at Telford Street Park that I'm pretty sure was 0-0 but was definitely a draw, or it was the Scottish Cup 1st Round game against St Cuthbert Wanderers that County won 11-0. Pretty sure they were the only County games I saw the 93/94 season, County's last in the Highland League, but I also got taken to East End Park when twice when visiting my grandad who lived in Fife. First was against Morton (still have the program somewhere) second was against Brechin, and I remember a fan next to us in the main stand was very bored and started counting the away fans: there were 52.

    Became a regular at Victoria Park the next year.

  5. 13 hours ago, Matty-RCFC said:

    Stumbled to the three points there today, but ultimately I don’t think performances matter at this stage - would far rather just get through. We look in a decent position now to get through as one of the seeded teams, so hopefully a favourable draw in next round too. 

    Aye, it's always a weird time with competitive games that are sort of in a no man's land place between friendlies and competitive games. Players may not all be at full match fitness yet, new players clearly haven't gotten embedded in yet, all that. So ultimately results and just getting through to the knock out rounds is more important than the performances. Win is a win.

    And honestly, if this was last season and we went a goal behind I'm not sure I'd have expected us to come back and win, even against a Championship team, so that's something.

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