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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. I remember that match against Dumbarton a couple of years ago when we had a complete defence out. We would normally have been expected to beat them but they won 2-0 with two simple goals. We tried to defend in that game instead of taking the game to them. On Saturday I reckon the best form of defence with a weal defence is to attack - we have a strong midfield and attacking options. I think we need to take the game to Arbroath, no massed defence this time.

  2. 38 minutes ago, sophia said:

    I've already shared my view on his performance.

    My question to you remains unanswered and if that remains the case, we can draw our own conclusions

    Likewise, my views on the Davidson incident, Colin Steve and Turdorov are well recorded. The fact that you see nothing amiss allows me to draw my own conclusions. It's perfectly congruous that you support and defend the behaviour of a team that  doesn't know the meaning of sport.

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