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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. 8 hours ago, Raith_Raver said:

    Maybe you can sensibly explain how a belief in the possibility of out of contract Spencer joining McGlynn in League 1 makes the club deserving of fans like me...

    "That should be interesting"


    8 hours ago, grumswall said:

    I think you're a moron. A troll and a moron.

    Feel free to explain how I'm a hypocrite.

    Spencer is a player who has offers from clubs at a higher level than falkirk.

    You where the one who described other fans as being "deserving of the manager they get"

    As I thought, anything but explain your nonsense; anyone can see the stupidity of your post. I'm not responding to your attempts to change the subject - you're an arsehole.

  2. 32 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    You're a fine one to talk about nonsensical statements right enough.

    PS - you where the connection. 

    The usual assertions without facts, with the sole aim of firing an insult. An insult from a hyprocrite like you is an honour.

    Maybe you can sensibly explain how a belief in the possibility of out of contract Spencer joining McGlynn in League 1 makes the club deserving of fans like me...

    "That should be interesting"

  3. 14 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    Him saying he hopes they sign on for next season means he's going to drop down a league? Our club has the supporters it deserves... 

    Two entirely  unconnected - and nonsensical - statements. Maybe the combination of more cash and hero worship will entice him to join up with McGlynn....


    PS - The Scotsman article mentioned the  possibilty.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:

    I expect he'll have a decent team assembled and up and running for the new kick off.


    13 minutes ago, TxRover said:

    He’ll have lots of spots to fill, they just reportedly punted the lot that were out of contract. That leaves one useless keeper, four defenders, four mids and two forwards…I guess that’s a team still.

    More and more I get the impression you're stupid

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ebanda's Handyman Services said:

    f**k that! 

    Have you heard some of the ridiculous shouts on match days?

    I'm curious as to why folk are against Berra getting a chance? 

    Actually, I think appointing Berra as player manager a la Grant Murray isn't a long shot. It wouldn't be any more of a risk than most of what's been suggested.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Raithie said:

    I think regardless of who we appoint you'll never please everyone. We've no idea who we'll be looking at, who'll be interested and how that person will fair when they are in the job. One thing we ain't going to do is win a watch and pick up someone who has formally been hugely successful elsewhere. Had anyone heard of McGlynn before we took him on as manager?

    McGlynn was recommended to us by Levein

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