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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. 10 minutes ago, Rover the Moon said:

    Pleased with the addition of Easton. Sure a few Championship clubs and League One languishers like Falkirk and Dunfermline would have wanted him.
    But can’t help feeling it’s the one area where we are overloaded with players (Zanatta, Ross, Connolly, Vaughan, Gullan). Wonder if Murray might try to move on someone like Zanatta to free up more space in the squad.

    Aye, Easton looks a great signing. The new season can't come quick enough.  Can't agree with you re Zanatta - I think he'll get more room to operate now under Murray and show his earlier form.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tony mac said:

    He was originally at Livingston and was a complete liability, can’t believe we got approximately &£200k for him , has found his level with Falkirk should manage to keep you where you belong level 3 of Scottish football.

    I can believe that. Whatever Dunfermline fans are saying now he was shite for them.

  3. 8 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    ... Games you were ‘out worked’ in surely just games you were not the better side in which then affects the mental aspect which then shows up and makes it look that way

    It's axiomatic that the "better" side would be tactically more astute.

    It was well recognised by people who attend our matches that some teams used high pressing tactics against which we had trouble coping with. We can measure it to some extent by not being able to play our normal game, which is somewhat different to just being pish on the day.


  4. 1 hour ago, OhnononoGeordieMunro said:

    I was buzzing at his one non-negotiable, nobody will outwork us. I can imagine with his own player he’d create a strong team environment but can see if he inherits a bunch without his work ethic that fractures could appear.

    I was thinking that too. Two aspects: I don't think we can fault the fitness under McGlynn so I don't think Murray's training regime would  faze the players too much. What was a concern was how often teams overpowered us with high press tactics, due in part to not getting stuck in, like the last game at East End for example - we definitely were "outworked" at times. So hopefully a thing of the past under Murray.

  5. 7 minutes ago, foreverarover said:

    On sorry but we need a completely different striker as a compliment to Gullan or Poplatnik. Someone able to hold it up and a bit of height. This tippy tappy short ball stuff is ok if you have a world class midfield to create the space and make the passes, alas we don't. The two mentioned need the ball played into then from a secondary striker who acts as the muscle.

    Aye, We didn't have a striker with either the guile or the muscle. Vaughan has the guile but I detect a lack of optimism about him now. Murray had Airdrie scoring freely (accepted,  in the division below) so I expect him to sort that out. However, I think getting defenders in will be his immediate priority.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Frank conner said:

    Wonder if grumswall will renew his season ticket?

    I expect a lot of folk who threatened to chuck it after the DG affair will be opening the curtains for the new dawn. I wonder if that snowflake Against The Machine will reinstate "Raith" into his name seeing it caused him so much embarassment🤔

    One I definitely don't want to return to the fold is Fat Val.

  7. 9 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

    Superb I thought he had another year on his Livi contract. He deserves a contract and I doubt Murray will make the same mistake and let him collect splinters for most of the season…the whole south stand we’re screaming for him to get a run of games before McGlynn was forced into it.

    He had an extension option  but was freed.

  8. 50 minutes ago, RAITHROVERS84 said:

    Impressed by both the Raith TV interview and press conference.

    Came across to me as a quietly confident type of guy and we all want to hear about a hard working and attacking team. 

    Hope we can retain the players we want to keep and hopeful about the signings he can bring in. 

    Anyone know what would be involved in getting Matej as a permanent signing ?

    He's a free agent.

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