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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. 6 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Ok, it's best left there.

    If daft wee posturing really allows you to feel noble in the face of genuine human tragedy, please carry on. 

    They hope the more sensational the headline, no matter how false and irrelevent, the more it will divert attention from the present situation.

    What's a  more sensational,  relevent and true headline is that instead of Ibrox and Parkhead  they'll be visiting New Central Park and Balmoor next season 🤪

  2. 1 minute ago, cb_diamond said:

    I'd never had a stalker before on PnB and I've now had two in the last week between him and the mad lad on the Queen's thread who came out of nowhere on Saturday and made a glorious C U next Tuesday of himself to the point his own fans to him to shoosh. 

    I expect that'll be Sick Boy, he has started to stalk me too. They can stalk me all they like, it's amusing that they think they're getting at us - the jokes on them.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    The guys nuts.

    I always thought the point of a forum was to have a view.

    Thank goodness Musk is taking over Twitter which means unpc viewpoints can be freely discussed without torrents of abuse.

    Yea, he haunts Rovers and Pars threads, and probably Airdrie's and others.

  4. 14 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 strong VL energy from Marshie as per.


    You'll only be one of several that Mallowhead constantly red dots. The main reason I kept up posting a :) whenever Falkirk lost a goal was the mild amusement of getting an immediate  blob from him. He now follows me around to give me one for any post I put up. 😄

    I think it's called Compulsive Behaviour Syndrome - it's his life's devotion.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Plenty are fine with it, taking it fatalistically on the chin.

    A couple on here have felt the need to lash out though, at the type of Mickey taking that's pretty standard in the circumstances.

    We got ribbed rotten when we failed to get promoted from the 1st division with our "Roaring Back" moto - we had been been out of sight at one point then nose dived towards the end, letting Ayr overtake us and win. The funniest post I ever saw on P&B was a video of the "Roaring Back" sign being locked away in a shed, done by an Ayr fan.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Been going too long said:

    From the rumours going about I would interview the following to see what there plans are if they applied

    1) Kevin Thomson

    2) Ray McKinnon 

    3) Scott Brown

    4) James Mcpake

    5) Christophe Berra

    would definitely want Ian Murray but I don’t think he will apply. I think that’s not a dream shortlist just a realistic one. Tin hat on now 😂😂

    Fair enough. Personally, I'd hope Rovers exclude McKinnon on point of principle.

  7. 1 hour ago, Raith_Raver said:

    You were caught out in your regular over reactions to ordinary posts.You're too stupid to recognise your stupidity even when it's pointed out to you.

    44 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

    Fucking hell. 

    Hypocrite: 🤪

    "You're not this thick. Are you? Seriously, you cannot be this stupid. If you're genuinely this stupid, I honestly feel sorry for you."

    Fucking hell :)


    But back to the serious stuff, has Yogi published his 5 year plan to get Pars to the Premier league out if the First Division yet?


  8. 16 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:


    Stellaboz is desprately flashing the red - was it something I said?

    Raith_Raver, (27th July):
    "Great to hear the perennial bragging about how you're going to win the league before it's started, followed by the inevitable "get that c**t out" when reality strikes around January."

    Stellaboz replied:
    "You're not this thick. Are you? Seriously, you cannot be this stupid. If you're genuinely this stupid, I honestly feel sorry for you."

    I suspect you're now feeling sorry for yourself

    ...and somewhat stupid

  9. 51 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

    In the context of "unrelated" it's not even that large a jump to point out that someone picking faults with a post from 10 months ago, has been spewing rape apologist bile since February.

    Liar liar pants on fire :)

    36 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

    There's no context where anything Raith Raver posts should be taken seriously. . 

    I can understand how a person of your low integrity might want to deny the context of boasting about the likelyhood winning promotion or even the league before it has even started, now that you've achieved relegation instead.

    Meanwhile, back on topic:

    August 9th Grant228 wrote:
    before the season started I reckoned Dunfermline could go for promotion"

    Yea, doesn't it fit the context...     😂

  10. 2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Of course it was being referred to.

    You did so to deflect from the piss taking about your football team. 

    Spot on. On a match thread where a team 4th in the league below just humiliated them, the fans of the "massive" club, with their massive ego and massive expectations are so desperate to deflect attention from their massive fall that they now want to discuss things that have absolutely nothing to do with their club.


  11. 1 hour ago, therewasacoo said:

    There hasn’t been a post match interview with the manager for a good few weeks now but would like to see one for yesterdays game

    I really hope yous can pull it off in the return, assuming you get an honest referee.

    BTW that's a great, "there was a coo!

    The full rhyme is unfortunately maybe a bit prophetic - it goes something like



    Let's hope it is...

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