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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. 26 minutes ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    Well, no but thats not the point. If they are internationalists, thats a different prospect and the more likelihood of getting a permit approved. For smaller Scottish clubs trying to sign anyone, they are a lot less likely to be trying to sign anyone that has international caps. I doubt the Norwegian lad we were in for last season was an internationalist at any level. The paperwork and red tape is massive now for any non-UK signing, achievable, but can take a while. I'm sure the lad from Aberdeen had to wait a month between signing and being eligible to play. 

    OK. and my point is taht the BBC never misses an opportunity to critise Brexit. Being an independent sovereign country means we are in control of our own borders, unlike the EU idea of a loose confederation of interdependent  states. However, I think bona fide people should be able to come if there an employer needs them to do a job.

  2. 7 minutes ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    But the points within it are correct, we're now needing work permits for EU players, something we didn't need before, this causes issues for all clubs and reduces the talent pool even further. We were rejected for a work permit last December for a striker from Norway, wouldn't have happened before that. 

    Fair enough, it's unusual for a work permit to be rejected; it's hard to see big English clubs being baulked from signing African internationalists - there's a huge list of them. However, clearance was always an irritation trying to get foreign players.

  3. 3 hours ago, Raith_Raver said:

    You can only shite with the arse you've got....

    BTW I'm worried about Thomson in goal.

    Thomson did well. I thought Zanatta was ok too.
    I too thought  2-0 at half time was harsh, and the goal right after half time knocked the heart out of us, allowing Aberdeen to strut about the rest of the game.

    We're not going to meet anyone like Aberdeen in the league so I don't see anyone outplaying us. However, that defence was so easily outpaced so often, any team with quick forwards will have noticed.

    PS - Hartley GTF

  4. Murray is a great appointment for us and as far as I can tell he knows his onions. He isn't bringing in players for the sake of it; he obviously doesn't want to end up with the likes of a Fernandy,  a Riley-Snow or an Adam King,  but some on here are clearly desperate enough to think that chancing anyone is better than signing no one.

  5. 1 hour ago, Vodka Vic said:

    Unlikely my fellow Rover although we did fire a wee warning shot across the bow with a deserved win against  Kelty yesterday. Of course we’ve been here before- the premier cup is a pseudo pre-season tournament. League Two will have a bit more of a traditional look this year with no moneybags Kelty/Cove lording it over us. I’m assuming Stenny are the club with the most cash with Stirling close behind. 

    It didn't go unnoticed 😉

  6. Reflections:

    Rovers - too much slow sideways passing, rather lethargic looking in the heat.

    Albion - better than expected, played high tempo, missed a real sitter in the first half, dished out some rough stuff with the ref's blessing

    Officials - the ref was out of his depth, some hiliraious decisions including allowing their goal; booked Connolly for complaing about their fouling: Railway linesman - chickened out of nearly every decision.

    A wake up call.

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