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Posts posted by Raith_Raver

  1. 1 hour ago, Shandön Par said:

    Hey Ravey, you should get back to the Raith thread as there’s a queue of Airdrie fans waiting to thank you for taking Murray off their hands.

    Aye, sure.

    As for your reminiscing about the time you were scoring freely in the seaside league, just reflect that you couldn't score against a fairly average First Division side in two games recently.

    McPake isn't the answer. Remember, while you're struggling to score in Division 1 for the next few seasons you'll be the wee team along the road.

  2. 1 minute ago, Shandön Par said:

    I’ve watched us since about 1985 and that League One winning side was one of the ones I enjoyed watching most. 30 goals from open play for Faiss!

    As I recall from last season McPake isn't noted for open attacking play, so dream on.

    I'm so glad we didn't appoint McPake, he's likely to be no better than Yogi.

  3. 23 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

    See you've finally found someone who doesn't think you're a total fucking walloper. Go you.

    Please explain, if you can, how predicted that Yogi would be your manager, that he would be a disaster, then predicting McPake before he was even favourite, and now predicting he'll be shite, make me the total fucking walloper instead of you... :)

  4. 4 hours ago, Geordie_Munrover said:

    Spoke to a Dylan Easton the other Day (Friday)… he told me Murray was told the raith job was his if he wanted it. He also said that Falkirk, pars and Raith have declared an interest in signing him… but hinted that he will be following Murray to Raith. 

    All this good news, potential as well as actual is getting too much to bear; this is the Rovers, it's not supposed to happen... 🤔

  5. 30 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    @Raith_Raverzannata is 100% a confidence player. If you get him full of confidence he is a standout at this level. The problem is keeping him at that level. He does also need a fullback who will support him so he doesn't get doubled up on constantly though. We've had far worse players than him playing for us in recent seasons. 

    Yea, I realise that. What I'm getting at is the predictions of Partick and Ayr fans about his attitude and lack of application, which some on here have been influenced by. I get the full back support bit, but I haven't seen any suspicion of lack of application.

    I do get frustrated by his tendency to put good chances over the bar, something he needs to work on.

  6. Just now, Broken Algorithms said:
    2 minutes ago, Raith_Raver said:
    What became of the rumour that Tumilty had agreed to join St Murn?

    Nothing confirmed about any of our out of contract players. Probably a combination of players on holiday and showing us a bit of courtesy while we get a new manager in.

    Good, I hope we can re sign Tumilty, and Spencer of course.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Jilted John said:

    The way I see it is, if we wanted ‘stability’ then we should have gone all out to keep Mcglynn… we didn’t. A large number of fans were fed up with stability. 

    If we want someone who’s going to look to really push us forward, Kevin Thomson ticks that box. Albeit it’s a bigger risk. 

    Aye, he does. I suspect the board aren't that brave though and for that reason I think they'll go for Murray (assuming it's between these two).

  8. 6 minutes ago, Against The Machine said:

    I'm not sitting anywhere other than the South Stand until they change the typeface on that dreadful "Penman Family Stand" sign that's stuck to its roof. I refuse to look at it. 

    Nothing like feeling like spewing looking at the Val  McDermid sign. I hope it's ATF for the start of the new season.

  9. 38 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Thomson is the potential risk/reward option. In theory he is the more exciting appointment with the hope he really is as good as the hype, but at the same time he also seems more likely to be a disaster than Murray would be.

    Exactly my thinking; Thomson looks a greater risk but could be a real winner. I'm not bothered that he's a Rangers fan, but maybe not such a stable influence on the dressing room as Murray. I think the latter is a safer pair of hands. It's a hard choice.

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