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Everything posted by f_c_dundee

  1. Could still be. Been getting contractions regularly pretty much all day, started off >10 mins apart, now nearer 6 mins apart. Not sure when to phone the hospital back and find out when I should go in. Am just about coping with breathing and moving around but it is getting more uncomfortable. What fun!
  2. Sorry to disappoint... P&B kept crashing my browser all yesterday, downloaded an alternative so back on. Coincidentally I am just back from the hospital though... been sent home as I am not in labour enough yet. Been monitored etc cos I lost a lot of liquid in the early hours, got to go back if required by me or for check up tomorrow. Had pains since yesterday evening. Goin for a sleep now. I think I might be shit at pain if i am currently only contracting mildly. hopefully better news next time.
  3. Right so maybe I need a plan to go for a walk somewhere that it would be really embarassing for my waters to break! If vouchers are involved that could only be a bonus....
  4. Nope we don't know if it's a boy or a girl, looking forward to finding out Did 2.5 miles the other day, felt pretty good. Need to get out more though, my motivation has dropped a bit this week. (Not sure if the baby has, MW neglected to write that on my notes this time )
  5. Thanks Am tyring to think positive and not get grumpy.
  6. Been rummaged by midwife today ( ), things are looking (or feeling I suppose) completely unfavourable so far, booked in to hospital next week for induction. Baby has a week to put in an appearance by itself, really hoping I don't have to wait to be induced.
  7. He's lovely Reina. I could post a pic of my giant tummy but that would be yuk ! had a few more intense pains today, hoping my body is warming up to get going. fingers crossed!
  8. Och well, 10 hours isn't bad for a first baby is it, maybe I'll just get wired into the rasp leaf capsules! My stomach muscles weren't too bad (i quite like doing sit-ups strangely) but I was a bit overweight. I think I have put on about 3 stone which has freaked me out, I may be a bit top heavy too though! the joy...
  9. I started taking them last week, but only for a couple of days cos I started to feel really funny and crappy. Could have been a coincidence but I stopped anyway. Might go and get the capsules back out now though...they'll just be going to waste. Yeah I think they are meant to 'tone the uterus' to make contractions more effective. ?
  10. Tried methods one and three on my due date (not at same time), i think you have to eat about 7 fresh pineapples so might give that one a miss... might have to try again then if it worked for you
  11. Thanks, I'm trying no to get too grumpy but I don't know how long it will last....
  12. Still no sign of my wee one emerging - we went out and walked for about 2.5 miles earlier, hope it will provide some encouragement! Only one day overdue so far though... Can't wait
  13. Congratulations again:) Getting affy impatient to meet mine now. Due tomorrow, but have had loads of people phoning etc to see how I am doing today - what will it be like tomorrow!
  14. Flippin hope so! Still getting random wee tightenings and pains, nothing regular or often though. Seems to be winding up the baby, there's been a lot of wriggling going on in there. Looking forward to meeting him/her soon, can't wait to find out what they're like.
  15. Doing fine thanks - not much to report, occasional wee tightenings and pains, but only maybe a few times a day. We put the car seat base in the car today, was handy to get it out of the way, but funny to see it in there! How are you getting on with your wee guy?
  16. We weren't going to bother, ended up picking up the Ikea one which is about £25, so don't feel like we've chucked loads of money away if we don't use it for long. It would prob be handy as a shelf unit afterwards anyway. We've been quite sensible about what we have bought for the bairn so far. I am scared when I see furniture room sets for babies for several thousand pounds! I suppose we'll see if we remain sensible once baby is here... Forgot to add, good luck G_Man and family!
  17. Mine is showing no signs of escape yet, still a week till due date though. Must be comfy enough in there...
  18. Ach I'll let you off. I didn't mean to sound quite that insulted Aye, touch wood I have had no drama so far, hope it stays that way! (although as you can mybe tell from todays post times, I coudn't get back to sleep!)
  19. Sorry was just bein cheeky when you said you couldn't find the words, no offence meant. All the best...
  20. Definitely not! And I'm due a few days after the wee G so it's no the same bairn.
  21. the mind boggles though... Are you going down the pub after you drop Mrs G_Man at the hospital???
  22. Excellent, glad all is going well I think I am excited and nervous. Very excited to meet the bairn and probably most nervous about it all being such a big change - it's kind of hard to picture it being three of us in the house soon! Feeling pretty good, starting to get worse at sleeping, but maybe that's good practice.
  23. It's all quiet on this topic these days - I guess everyone is too busy with their new bairns! Less than 2 weeks to go for me, time is going quite quick so far, might be a different story if I get overdue and fed up... Hope everyone is well
  24. I just about injured myself trying to cut my toenails the other day...
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