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Everything posted by f_c_dundee

  1. The wee smiley kind of gave it away. Although I am not expecting fluffy bath towels on the NHS either. Sorry G_Man it is still unclear whether you know what the post was about...
  2. Cheers. Will definitely bring it up next week then. Will have to write a list of things to ask, my brain is not at it's sharpest these days. I have also completely lost my motivation at work. I quite like my job and workmates but I really can't be bothered doing anything. Spent a good part of my shift yesterday looking at baby equipment and stuff on t'internet and just doing minimum work. I really like swimming, I have been a bit shy to try the local pool, will maybe try to rope a friend into joining me as she already goes there. She can get the added bonus of being entertained by my big tummy!
  3. How many weeks were you when you got to book up for your ante natal classes? I have my next midwife appointment when I am 23 and a bit weeks (actually that's next week now that I think about it) and was going to ask. Will maybe look into aqua-natal then, had been thinking of doing some swimming but have completely failed so far. I have also got a special exercise dvd which has so far done an excellent job of gathering dust. Seemed like a good idea and it was fairly cheap luckily! Hope you don't mind me quizzing you a bit as you are several weeks ahead of me!
  4. That's me starting to get a proper bump over the last couple of weeks. Also the squirmy feelings in my tummy are getting a lot more vigorous. While this is a cool feeling and makes me laugh, it is also contributing to me also papping myself a bit. Only just past 20 weeks (second scan was cool) but that's HALF WAY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. The midwife decided not to do mine at my 16 week appointment earlier this week. She said something about it being too small to find easily I think. Next scan in a couple of weeks or so, will have to wait till then.
  6. I can't wait for that - I feel quite pathetic and can sleep for Scotland at the moment.
  7. Got my 12 wk scan today, was pretty good. Bairn was jumping around like mad - no wonder I am so tired!
  8. No relation whatsoever to G-Man, just a coincidence that I am a Dundee fan. My mother in law does not sound like his... She is quite excited though. Looking forward to a bit less sleepiness, I had heard it should maybe get better. I was always good at falling asleep on the couch, but now consider myself an expert. I am feeling lucky (touch wood) that tiredness is all I have to put up with so far, no sickness but a wee bit of queasiness. I am really hungry though and trying not to be tempted to eat rubbish food. This is my first pregnancy so it is all still a bit strange and unbelievable, even though I did it on purpose!
  9. Pah, you're way ahead of me, i'm only 9 weeks, already had some blood out to check iron levels, turns out I'm just naturally very tired not anaemic. So far it is very tiring, hoping to feel better soon. 2 and a bit weeks till scan.
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